I'm a 16 year old male who is terrified of cockroaches.
You see yesterday the local sprayers came to sptay some toxic to kill and terminate cockroaches and I doubt it had any effects because the cockroaches began to come out of sewers and run around but fortunately I closed all the bathroom doors soon enaugh to prevent them from coming in to the house.
later I went on the internet to find out the reason and I read an article about cockroaches entering your ear while you're asleep and that doubled my fear of those disgusting little freaks.:sad:
I was so scared that I put on a hat to keep them from coming near my ears and on top of that i couldn't even sleep because of this.
my sister found out and I heard her talking with her boyfriend on the phone in her room(I have a Super hearing:bigsmile

and she was making fun of me about what coward I am and I act like a child and I'm so weak and etc... .
I was really pissed cause I didn't think my own sister would bullsh*t me.
This whole afraid of cockroaches thing has happened before and I AM F**KING TIRED OF IT AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY THINKING THAT WHENEVER I SEE A COKCROACH I'M TERRIFIED.
I really don't wanna be like this I mean I know most women are scared of cockroches but I haven't seen a lot of guys whom are scared of cockroches.
I don't want people to think I'm a weak and a loser just because I'm afraid of cockroaches.
How do I overcome this fear forever?
I'm really tired.
Any help would be appreciated.