Is it Bad/Weird for a guy to be terrified of cockroaches?And how to overcome it?


Well-known member
i'm afraid of dogs. i cringe when they walk by. it's okay as long as it doesn't control your life.


Active member
Not at all. My partner is a big guy covered in tattoos, he looks pretty intimidating and is now applying for the army. When we were living together we'd get a lot of cockroaches and we'd both be jumping on the lounge throwing shoes from a distance and screaming. Hope that makes you feel better :) and hopefully he won't ever read this hehe..


Well-known member
I think it's normal. Everyone have their own fears. But if you want to overcome it, just find a picture of cockroaches and look at it everyday, i'm sure you won't be terrified of them anymore


Well-known member
Unfortunately I have no tips to help you...Sorry :idontknow:
But I also have a fear and disgust of cockroaches. When I moved into my apartment some years back, I was putting dishes away, unpacking and stuff, and a nightmarish amount of them came out of little opening in the kitchen cabinet. I freaked and called the apt mgr straight away. They had to come in and let off a smoke bomb thingie.

It creeped me out so bad that to this day I freak whenever I see one.

Perhaps exposure therapy may help you if it is getting to the point of interfering with your day to day living?

Wishing you the best :)


Active member

I'm a 16 year old male who is terrified of cockroaches.
You see yesterday the local sprayers came to sptay some toxic to kill and terminate cockroaches and I doubt it had any effects because the cockroaches began to come out of sewers and run around but fortunately I closed all the bathroom doors soon enaugh to prevent them from coming in to the house.
later I went on the internet to find out the reason and I read an article about cockroaches entering your ear while you're asleep and that doubled my fear of those disgusting little freaks.:sad:
I was so scared that I put on a hat to keep them from coming near my ears and on top of that i couldn't even sleep because of this.
my sister found out and I heard her talking with her boyfriend on the phone in her room(I have a Super hearing:bigsmile:) and she was making fun of me about what coward I am and I act like a child and I'm so weak and etc... .
I was really pissed cause I didn't think my own sister would bullsh*t me.
This whole afraid of cockroaches thing has happened before and I AM F**KING TIRED OF IT AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY THINKING THAT WHENEVER I SEE A COKCROACH I'M TERRIFIED.
I really don't wanna be like this I mean I know most women are scared of cockroches but I haven't seen a lot of guys whom are scared of cockroches.
I don't want people to think I'm a weak and a loser just because I'm afraid of cockroaches.
How do I overcome this fear forever?
I'm really tired.
Any help would be appreciated.

There's nothing bad OR weird about being terrifying of cockroaches, perfectly normal. :) Screw what other people think. Society puts a lot of pressure on guys to act or feel a certain way and it's really ridiculous and stupid. I know a guy that's terrified of spiders and there's nothing wrong with that. My dad is terrified of snakes, too. It's actually pretty cool of you to be able to admit that you're scared of something.


Well-known member
Rats... eek

btw, TheWhitePaladin, your avatar is the cutest thing I have ever seen:perfect:
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