Is it bad to make yourself cry?


Well-known member
Crying is a natural emotion and if you feel like you have to force yourself to cry, then that's probably not what you need. If you feel tears coming on, and you're awash with sadness, then it's time to cry.


Well-known member
I hate it when I can't cry. Sometimes I just need that release, but it won't happen. I know just what you mean, I will think of something awful (like someone I love dying) so that I can finally bring on the tears.

I guess there's pros and cons to doing that, but when it's all said and done I do feel better.


Well-known member
Crying is good sometimes. I always feel worse though when I cry but if it makes you feel better then go for it .
But try not to dwell on the negative, I understand its hard but if you want to feel better maybe start being more positive. I always told myself positivity attracts positivity.
I have issues with being able to cry or show emotion. I'm physically not able to express sadness a lot of the time. But the times that I have, it has really felt like such a weight has been lifted. I think crying is cleansing somehow. I wish I could cry more.

How are you though I haven't seen any posts from you recently :) Did there turn out to be people in Germany afterall?


Well-known member
Crying is a great thing for me,as a guy I sometimes feel like a wimp (girls, its a guy thing::eek::) but when I do I always feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Like others have said it almost feels like a cleansing.