Well, I know you through your posts. I like you. I think it's evident.
If I would be interesting in meeting people at random, I would go to a chat.
But, guys, i don't want to be negative. Each person knows better than anyone what he or she needs.
:blushing: And I like you
You're right in that you get to know people more through their posts here than on the chat. Random people messaging me never really get any further than "hi". Not sure what that's about :idontknow:
You make the choice to trust someone based on their posts. But in theory, either one of us could be a creepy 80 year old guy
I think it's sweet that you're concerned about people! I think most people with "bad" intentions would find sites with a younger crowd though (not that that's a good thing!)
Yes there are some good people and some bad people on line and really you never really know. Even in person you never really know someone.
Very true.
I'm more paranoid about people I actually know IRL stumbling across my posts and making the connection than I am about strangers on here. Especially after
1. I found out my former colleagues googled me and had been spying on my twitter and then gossiping about things I wrote (this high school mean girls behaviour is part of the reason they are my former colleagues)
2. I once found a forum post by another former colleague, completely by coincidence. There were some pretty personal posts on that forum as well. I admit, I snooped around a little, but only that one time, I don't even remember her user name now and I certainly didn't tell anyone else in the team about it!
This forum is not only open to unregistered members but posts can also be found on Google, it's not very private. (It's how I found this place)
(even with this post I get scared because now if any of those former colleagues read this, they'll definitely make the connection. Fingers crossed they don't!!)