Inferiority complex.....


Well-known member
I can somewhat agree with this. My aunt and I just had a conversation where she asked me why I don't have a backbone when it comes to other people. I'm very outspoken and frank with most everyone but there are certain people I will let walk all over me because I'm afraid to say something that will anger them or hurt their I let them get away with whatever they want. It's a problem I'm trying to correct but I'm not sure how.

EDIT: Um, why am I seeing my post put above the IMO's?


Well-known member
The above has often haunted me.... I tend to put other's on pedestals... I know it's just my thinking.... However it is real and very prevalent in my day to day activities. Does anyone else relate to the old inferiority complex that I do??
If inferiority complex means always putting people ahead of you?
Then yeah I am quality. I am trying to change this because I think
to myself. "Hey, what about me? Aren't I important?"


Well-known member
I have an inferiority complex, but it's not typical. I don't think that others are better than me, but I do think that others think they are better than me, & that makes me feel inferior. If that makes any sense lol.


Well-known member
its nothing to do with having a back bone lol it just means your a nice person who doesnt want to offend or hurt anyone ...... its a nice way to be ;)


Well-known member
I definitely have an inferiority complex, I think. I'm always comparing myself to others, and truly believing that I'm lesser than most everyone in most ways.


Active member
I recently looked into inferiority complexes and found I might have one. I'm pretty short and always have been and was teased about it at school. Recently I was at a music festival and was easily one of the shortest people there, it feels weird having people towering over you and I think it may be a reason as to why I find it difficult to be outspoken. All my friends are much taller and sometimes it feels like I have to shout just to be heard.
I recently looked into inferiority complexes and found I might have one. I'm pretty short and always have been and was teased about it at school. Recently I was at a music festival and was easily one of the shortest people there, it feels weird having people towering over you and I think it may be a reason as to why I find it difficult to be outspoken. All my friends are much taller and sometimes it feels like I have to shout just to be heard.

I know what you mean. I'm only 5'2". It does feel weird to have to look up to every person I meet, and to be looked down upon.
I always felt like I had to shout to be heard to, and it's hard cause my voice is already so low.


Well-known member
Yeah so I was asking myself the other day, what's lower than being a slave?

Being ME!

I used to be so low, than even shy kids would boss me around. I was going to write that the sole purpose of my creation was for me to unquestionably serve the twisted whims of my Dark Masters, but really those masters are merely slave to their own madness.
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