in a uk court


Has a defendant in a british court, Would you be able to wear shorts even if has part of this you were smartly dressed, and never wore or didnt want to wear trousers ?


Well-known member
Just the fact that you think it might be questionable leads me to believe that you already know the answer.

You're already in a lot of trouble - don't make it worse.

You need to start taking care of yourself.


Staff member
Shorts in winter? maybe if you want to plead insanity yeah. Has your brief discussed this with you? They should have done :confused:


Well-known member
There's nothing to say that you can't wear shorts, but if you do, then do it knowing it will cause the Jury and the Judge to hold a negative first impression of you.
In many cases the Jury decide based on first impressions, wearing shorts to court doesn't give a good one.
I see where you're coming from with this, I HATE to wear ties. For the last job interview I put up with wearing one for the sake of bettering my chances. Your charge sounds a serious one, so consider biting the bullet and wearing trousers, you should be able to pick up a good pair in an op shop


Well-known member
I wore shorts and didn't shave for several days, to impress in the jury selection process. My application to be excused was accepted, still means I'm on the jury roll. I'm pretty sure I could get a medical certificate if I am summoned again.