Impossible to get employment!


Well-known member
I got another job after nine months,but I was just fired again today,back to zero again.........
hmmm for me my problem is getting a job at the call centers or becoming a call center agent I have no confidence or no skills on selling things like that. I've tried applying through it but I have no luck. I think the best job for us would be in the web development or web design or an SEO but I guess there are hardly who knew these kind of jobs thou.

I'm searching for job in IT, but I don't have any work experience, so nobody wants to hire me :( And when I come to interview I freak out and I'm always searching for words. I prepare for the interviews, but when they ask me a question which I haven't prepared I freak out. Tomorrow I will go to another interview, but I think I will spoil it again.


New member
I can relate to everyone here, I'm 19 and I feel like I will never get work. Nobody will employ someone like me with no work experience. I want to do something with my life but my future looks so hopeless.


Well-known member
Do you have a program where you are with unemployment getting you additional education towards job opportunities? If I got laid off that's the first thing I'd want to do. Milk the system. :)

I think they have a program where they fund a college course but i just have no clue what to do. You have to apply for it within 8 months of first signing on benefits.


Well-known member
I can relate to everyone here, I'm 19 and I feel like I will never get work. Nobody will employ someone like me with no work experience. I want to do something with my life but my future looks so hopeless.

You're still young! I was 19 when i got my first job, but it was a s##ty factory job which was easy to get.

I've never understood these job adverts where they ask for a person with experience! Where the hell do they expect someone to gain experience in the first place!


New member
You're still young! I was 19 when i got my first job, but it was a s##ty factory job which was easy to get.

I've never understood these job adverts where they ask for a person with experience! Where the hell do they expect someone to gain experience in the first place!

Exactly, you can't get a job without experience but how are you supposed to get experience if nobody will employ you? :confused:
When interviewed all I do is agree and if he or she asks me a question all I do is say whatever pops into my head whether they like it or not lol


Well-known member
dpr had some good tips for interviewing as well, though I think an employer for a more profressional customer service position will be looking for more than just the right answers. My interview with T-Mobile involved many more direct questions where two note takers were present. They wanted to know exactly how I would be speaking to their customers, and how quickly and confidently I could deliver the correct information/solution. That was ****ing scary.

oh man, i know what you mean. I hate when there is more than just one interviewer. I had one where one person would ask a question, I'd answer it, and then the other woman would ask pretty much the same question, just worded differently! It was sooooo stupid. At one point, I actually used the phrase, "Well, like I already said," which was terrible, but I just couldn't believe they would ask such similar questions lol

I also hate when they do a series of interviews. Like they do the phone interview, then call you back for "the real interview," then after the real interview they call you back for "a second interview." It's like ****, either hire me already or don't! :)


Well-known member
Do you have a program where you are with unemployment getting you additional education towards job opportunities? If I got laid off that's the first thing I'd want to do. Milk the system. :)

Yeah that's a good idea. Not sure if Recluse has it, but in my country (Canada) it is known as "Second Career." If you've been laid off and are on unemployment, the government will pay for your tuition, books and rent if you go back to school (but only for certain programs, it has to be "in demand" jobs).


Employment is overrated. Why, just think of all the free time you can have to yourself if you're not employed. You can... learn a foreign language! Learn to play an instrument! Collect random things like stamps or hair! Be online 24/7 and chat it up with random people! The possibilities are endless, the only limit is your imagination!


Well-known member
But it's frowned upon isn't it Jake. People treat unemployed people as scum basically. Every Monday when i go and sign on in for my benefits i feel that everyone is looking at me as if i am a piece of crap!

What get's me is the feeling of isolation being at home all the time with no one for support. Atleast if you have friends/partner you have a reason to live.


But it's frowned upon isn't it Jake. People treat unemployed people as scum basically. Every Monday when i go and sign on in for my benefits i feel that everyone is looking at me as if i am a piece of crap!

What get's me is the feeling of isolation being at home all the time with no one for support. Atleast if you have friends/partner you have a reason to live.

We just need to come up with a scheme to get rich. No one cares if you're unemployed if you're filthy rich.


Well-known member
I'm searching for job in IT, but I don't have any work experience, so nobody wants to hire me :( And when I come to interview I freak out and I'm always searching for words. I prepare for the interviews, but when they ask me a question which I haven't prepared I freak out. Tomorrow I will go to another interview, but I think I will spoil it again.

i can say with certainty that IT really isn't the best career choice unless you get experience while you are studying a course or you volunteer for a while ..or you know someone on the inside who can get you a foot in the far as job adverts go they are very hard to get into, beacuse you'll have up to 20 people show up for an interview and either the international student with the double degree will get in or the person with years of experience ...its the harsh reality of modern IT ...gone are the days where someone with a diploma or an outside interest/hobby can get a decent chance in that industry..but dont give up just realise its tough going...some IT jobs are also very stressful, especially programming or as an assistant consultant ....

i'd advise trying to start your own business by designing your own workshop and folio..

i'm the same at interviews, usually you get the arrogant know it all interviewing you and they often hit you with an unexpected question which makes me realise i may not be ready which can be really off-putting ....essentially there is an infinite amount of information and knowledge you can learn in the industry of IT and knowing everything would take someone with a davinci mind ....

ill keep trying but im preparing myself for a real struggle in terms of career and finances, i need to stay optimistic. ....
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i know how u feel

im stuck working in a crappy fish factory

its the only job i can do which requires little talking to others


Well-known member
i know how u feel

im stuck working in a crappy fish factory

its the only job i can do which requires little talking to others

yeah i'm the same ..plenty of potential but at the moment i work washing dishes in one of the busiest restaurants in the state ..its just non-stop pressure and completely awkward ...i mean the waiting staff walk up constantly to the bench while i am slaving away at fast speeds non stop for eight hours straight, i'm pleasant but its socially awkward even if you don;t have SA, its so gruelling the end you walk out feeling really horrible ...

i dont even know how i end up in these situtations .i do have a plan for job hunting, but i read this job ad in the paper and thought well i need a job desperately, so i'll apply for anything and was hired for this, i mean i'm glad i'm earning some money but i seem to end up in these low income forgettable jobs ..(ok, maybe that's harsh) but you always feel you could be doing way better then this..

i've actually travelled backwards first job was a really fun retail job then i went into digital printing and then to dishes ...what the hell? i'm actually fairly optimistic and positive in this job though, its the people around me that tend to complain and talk it down while i just soldier on and their roles are much more relaxed then doing dishes..
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I don't have a real job but I do graphic design at home and it's just you and the pc working, the only time to meet people is when you have to receive your money:D:cool:


Well-known member
I can't even get a crappy, part time job. I have no clue how I am going to support myself when I move out of my dad's house...
Man, I've literally filled out 20-30 job apps in the past month, whether online or on paper and not a freakin phone call. What the hell :mad:. I might just be reduced to trying KFC or McDonalds :0