I'll never leave you again SPW!


Well-known member
Would it not be a good idea then to try to spend less time on the site if the very act of leaving it causes you to become depressed? It almost sounds like the site has become a stand in for a drug in this respect.

I speak from experience on this as I once had a time when I spent hours a day here and when I was not on all I could think about were what goings on I was missing. In hindsight now I see where I went wrong but at the time I was unable to see it.


Well-known member
Hey vj, I missed you - but feel free to go again if you need to! (As long as you come back or tell us where to find you :))

Yes, websites can get addictive.. especially this one.. :)

It's good to be in RL too!!

I was wondering if you had an exam or something.. It's totally okay to go for a while or have a few days off a week or a limited amount of hours you're on, or whatever works for you..

I am just now reading a book on ACT therapy on Amazon (The Happiness Trap), it says how to 'connect' with unpleasant tasks and feelings too - maybe it could be helpful to you too? Some people on this forum talked good about it so I went and checked it out..

I think I may have been using this site as a 'happy pill' too, hmm.. Cause it makes me feel good :)
I wasn't so much online when life was good or I was busy or connected with a lot of people in RL..

So maybe you could think too, when you go to the site and what does it mean to you etc. And see if maybe some of those things could be gotten in RL too?


Well-known member
^ lol. I do come here a lot these days. But I just meant the fact that he won't leave again is terrific. But yeah, as long as it's not like permanent you lewdies can do whatever you see fit.


Well-known member
I'm glad that you're back, I enjoy reading your posts :D (I spend WAY too much time on here too, and also am kind of addicted to these kind of support sites. OOHWEELLL!)
Yeah one can get addicted to anything that feels "good". I blame all of you for being so cool and so understanding! Dammit, why can't you all be dicks??



Well-known member
^ hahaha. Yeah everything good is bad.. everything bad is good... neutral standpoints seem to be the safest way to go here, no expectations, no let downs. The better something, the worse you are without it. The worse something is the better you are from it. yadda yadda.. that eternal balance, it means no worries! yay
I thought of leaving SPW too, because I´m afraid people will read my posts at google, But at the same time I love this place. It´s just amazing, great people, interesting topics and I guess Í´m addicted too.
So I won´t leave SPW, because it´s just freaking cool. :cool:
I´m glad you stay, Vj, you seem a nice person :)



Well-known member
^ lol. I do come here a lot these days. But I just meant the fact that he won't leave again is terrific. But yeah, as long as it's not like permanent you lewdies can do whatever you see fit.

lol okay... :) who's lewd though? :eek: Or did you mean luddites? (methinks too many Russian-sounding names in your book?? :eek:)


Well-known member
You said a lot of good stuff, like you do in all your posts. I get addicted to things very easily, and when I do it's very addicted. It's just in my nature. This site especially because it's given me things I've never had before, and it is like a "happy pill." I took the week off because I recognized I was on to much and it wasn't good. (I did have 2 exams but that was more coincidence.) I have tried to set time aside or take days off but my self-control=0.

I do wonder how my life right now would be if I didn't join SPW, better or worse? I can see it being both, but it's almost not worth thinking about. If I could carry the good spw vj into RL it would be perfect, but right now I can't. I don't even know where, or how, to start. I'm not going to say I've given up, but I'm just going through the motions until I find a way out. Right now this is all I got, and I've been abusing it a bit.
Well, I think the vj exists and could spontaneously combust/explode into existance in right circumstances in RL too? (Maybe just think what the right circumstances would be, what kind of people and where...? Fiona Apple fan club, music lovers or music makers, MTV crew...?)

And good to know I have your ok to leave whenever I want. :)
he he Okay... Maybe you need a permission card from me first, so let me know if/when you ever plan to do it again :D


Well-known member
lol okay... :) who's lewd though? :eek: Or did you mean luddites? (methinks too many Russian-sounding names in your book?? :eek:)

lol Indeed. I just kind of really like it. Lewdies = people. Originates from lyudi which means people in Russian, yes.

p.s. I think I get addicted to things I really like too easily, too. Like how I'm kind of starting to get addicted to like using this nadsat like inside my English :D
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