if you had one wish that could happen, anything, what would that be?


Well-known member
I'd have my health back. Specifically healthy teeth and gums, as other things may improve anyway.

Money would be fine too. Let me just win the Jackpot! :)

Do you have a gold fish or a magic wand hidden somewhere? :)
I would wish for a just world, and that contains peace on earth, a fair distribution of wealth, an end of the abuse to humans and animals and the end of climate change, racism, sexism, homophobia and pollution.

Concerning me personally, I would wish to meet someone who can make me happy and change my life.

And if I had three wishes ;) I have played guitar 10 years now and all my life I've been dreaming about being in a band. To make music and play it with other people. Seen from one side performing scares me but on the other side I really want to do it. I hope someday I find the right people.

But if I had only one wish, I would go for the first.
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To become a billionaire. What a cliché, right?

Most things I want is actually well within reach, and in my ability, but it requires funds in the millions (depending on what the 'thing' in question is.) A custom mansion from scratch with a glass dome tower is first on the list.

And I would just like to be able to throw hefty donations in the direction of people that need it, without worrying about the amount too much. Money might not buy happiness directly, but it's a tool more powerful than any other when you know how to utilize it properly.


Well-known member
To become a billionaire. What a cliché, right?

Most things I want is actually well within reach, and in my ability, but it requires funds in the millions (depending on what the 'thing' in question is.) A custom mansion from scratch with a glass dome tower is first on the list.

And I would just like to be able to throw hefty donations in the direction of people that need it, without worrying about the amount too much. Money might not buy happiness directly, but it's a tool more powerful than any other when you know how to utilize it properly.
I understand this one entirely. You are quite a benevolent person, which is a nice quality. :)

Mine is similar. I would like $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 in my account. I would buy Australia, and turn it into the best country in the world with lots of money to education, healthcare, jobs, recreation, infrastructure, transport, etc. and so on. I'd even build a new city to rival Sydney and Melbourne.


Money most certainly does not buy happiness. While I am not rich, I have enough money put aside that one would assume make me happy, but it doesn't. It just allows me to buy material things that are really meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have money than not but it does not make me very happy. If I could have one wish, it would be to not have social anxiety so that I was able to make many meaningful, sustainable friendships with people that would last a lifetime. I have learned a lot in my 38 years on this planet, and I can, most assuredly, state that what makes one most happiest are social connections to other people.


Well-known member
I would wish that I could go back to the year I was 4 and just keep repeating that year.

There are other things I always wish for, but that is one thing that could encompass happiness for me. I always wish I could be more beautiful, or less socially awkward, or so many other things. If I got one of those wishes, I would still have other things I'd long for. At 4 years old, I could just be me and not be concerned with superficial things that worry me now. Anything seemed possible back then, and I didn't know what real pain was. I didn't look in the mirror and hate my reflection, or think that I was dumb, or think that I was a failure, or get scared that others were judging me.
I understand this one entirely. You are quite a benevolent person, which is a nice quality. :)

Mine is similar. I would like $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 in my account. I would buy Australia, and turn it into the best country in the world with lots of money to education, healthcare, jobs, recreation, infrastructure, transport, etc. and so on. I'd even build a new city to rival Sydney and Melbourne.

Man, I'd like to see that happen if only purely for the fact that then the Australian anthem has to be played exclusively with metal instruments by law. :giggle:


Well-known member
Really good genetics so that I can have great health, intelligence, and capability. With good enough genetics and hard/smart enough work, a person could gain and achieve a lot.