Hey bud, what I have noticed is that when I feel like shit then I really have no ability to communicate with people, but when I am feeling good about myself it seems to come a lot easier. Don't try and think about things to say before you even see anyone, just try and be spontanious however hard that may be. You can always ask simple stuff to people, like if your at work just ask someone when their off of work and then that usually will make you feel better about talking instead of trying to think of a way to start a convo. Try doing some things to better yourself as well. Go to the gym a few days a week and really work hard, start eating better, when you lose weight not only does your body look better but your face becomes a better shape and thin. You will feel better about yourself, trust me. If you watch a lot of TV try and cut down watching TV and do some other stuff. Try waking up earlier in the morning and eat a healthy breakfast. See if you can see your therapist more or see two, talking to people always helps moods, if you don't talk to anyone for a day then your going to feel like shit. If you at least talk to someone a couple times a week like a therapist then that will help. Do you work in retail? If you do then try and talk to one customer a day and actually try and stop thinking about how you sound and focus on them. Stop worrying about trying to make everyone like you or getting every customer to like you, just focus on one and I think you will start feeling better about conversations, don't over whelm yourself by thinking you have to talk to everyone, just focus on a couple at a time.