I start a new job tomorrow...


Well-known member
and I feel depressed knowing how miserable i'm going to be tomorrow sitting in silence as the orientation goes on. Most of the people will be chatting getting to know each other and I will sit there in my anxious, miserable looking state. Living with SA is a nightmare that you never wake up from.... :(
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Hey good luck tomorrow and hope the job part of it is at least good. mayb it wont be so bad. Maybe there will be someone else there with SA too. :) Dont be too hard on yourself whatever happens and I so agree about the nightmare.

The Nephilim

Well-known member
I think starting a new job is nerve racking for most people. Try not to dwell on it too much. I have start a new job on Monday, so I know what you're going through, it's not easy.

The Nephilim

Well-known member
and I feel depressed knowing how miserable i'm going to be tomorrow sitting in silence as the orientation goes on. Most of the people will be chatting getting to know each other and I will sit there in my anxious, miserable looking state. Living with SA is a nightmare that you never wake up from.... :(

Congratulations too. You're now at the orientation/training stage, so your CV got you to an interview, and your interview got you the job.......be proud of yourself for that :). I think we are always so down on ourselves it's hard to be happy or recognise our achievements sometimes, but it is important.


Well-known member
I remember this as well. It's not easy being surrounded by people you don't know but you don't have to talk with them to at least look inviting. Just smile a bit when people look at you and they'll know your nice, more than likely shy. Congrats though! I need one myself :rolleyes:
and I feel depressed knowing how miserable i'm going to be tomorrow sitting in silence as the orientation goes on. Most of the people will be chatting getting to know each other and I will sit there in my anxious, miserable looking state. Living with SA is a nightmare that you never wake up from.... :(

Try to be relaxed... Put on your poker face, Just act like a cool adittude,
and people will approach you. Try to hide your anxiety, just think everything is gonna be alrite.. You will be home again later after work. And be really proud of yourself, show that u are someone with SA who CAN work!!!
You will show the difference. Don't let anxiety block your path.
I know this is weird for me to say, because I'm stucked up still with SA.
But I know I have this strenght, although I don't let it come out now.
But I believe every person can fight through it.
It's just our mind what stops us. Or gets us frightened by people.
Just be relaxed... !!! That's all U can do
And maybe this works...
Think that all the people around you are Stupid ::p: ( but be nice lolll ...)
They know Absolutely NOTHING about you!
Just try that... :) GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
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Well-known member
Take a shot of whiskey before you go :)

But seriously, I know how you feel. Try to go in there beforehand with your adrenaline up, so like you could have the music pumping in your car, you could have watched an awesome movie before you left, or something else. That sort of thing sometimes helps me.