I only feel safe at home...


I wish I could just learn everything at home and work from home and be in bed aaaaaallll day. Does anyone else feel like this?


Well-known member
I am usually the most relaxed when I am home. If I didn't have school and work, I wouldn't venture out nearly as much. I think it's good to go out, but I get so anxious sometimes.
This is what we call our comfort zone. I suggest that you go out a little bit sometimes so that you won't be afraid with the outside world too much. The more you stay at your comfort zone, the more you'll be nervous.

I'm thinking of taking online classes in case I go to college. Well tbh maybe part of it is because of the anxiety, but I realized that I really prefer it for many reasons.


Well-known member
It's very tempting, but I think you mustn't give in to that desire. The sooner you stop retreating from the things that make you uncomfortable the sooner it improves.

Put another way: there's no real downside to fighting your anxiety tooth and nail. You will always win in the end. The only ground it gains comes from ignoring it.

Personally, while I don't regret the last ten years of my life, I have to admit that if I had realized this at fifteen I could have spared myself a lot of pain.


Well-known member
dissipating said:
I wish I could just learn everything at home and work from home and be in bed aaaaaallll day. Does anyone else feel like this?

i don't wanna do everything at home.i wanna go outside.but i wouldn mind carrying my bed everywhere.sleep is the best thing EVER (even though some ppl find more interesting things to do in bed :D )


Staff member
yes its tempting but the worst possible thing for getting better :(

you HAVE to get out there


Well-known member
I only feel safe at home...
in the past home was the only place i could feel "like home", but now that i went to the office for about a year , i feel home there too, in the beggining its weird. i think its about getting to know a place.

A funny thing about this is when people expand the places, like the mall in my city, they just built another floor and i feel afraid to go there.

dissipating said:
I wish I could just learn everything at home and work from home and be in bed aaaaaallll day. Does anyone else feel like this?

the bed part is tempting, but there's one thing you'll hardly get to know at home, people.


Well-known member
Ive been at home for a long time, its the worst, its hardly even a comfort zone because you never forget the fact that you are hiding. If you do it long enough like I do, the suffering is just as bad as being outside feeling anxous, only this time no one can see you getting panicky, another byproduct is terrible depression, I literally think about suicide everyday now. My advice is to not let your anxiety drive you away from the world, fight with all your might for your place in society. Find something or someone you love and hold on to it, use that as ammo to fight your anxiety, dont give in to it and hide in your house.


Well-known member
imagine if you were a quadrapalegic in bed all day. you would give anything to have social anxiety and leave.
dissipating said:
I wish I could just learn everything at home and work from home and be in bed aaaaaallll day.

The bad: After a while all the days blur together and you can't recall anything happening in the last year. You start to wonder if forced structure and forced mingling with people at least made you feel alive and gave you hope that something could happen on any given day. Stay completely inside for more than a week or two and there's just no way around depression.

The good: If you mix in a few non-social walks around the neighborhood or remote hikes or whatever to satisfy the body's need to get out, it doesn't have to be especially depressing. My average day is a whole lot less stressful than when I had to go out. Can't say I've had the same experience as kuze, probably because I'm not sure I want a place in society.


Yes id have to agree, i work from home and do love it, but do have to get out once in a while, it gets boring and i get pretty down if inside for too long.


Well-known member
Hoth said:
Stay completely inside for more than a week or two and there's just no way around depression.

My average day is a whole lot less stressful than when I had to go out.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a contradiction..


Well-known member
shygurl said:
Yes id have to agree, i work from home and do love it, but do have to get out once in a while, it gets boring and i get pretty down if inside for too long.
What do you do? (if you don't mind me asking)


I am called a supportive roommate. I live with and support adults with disabilities. The two i have are fairly independent and can be left at home for short periods and can get out on their own so its not so bad.
Argamemnon said:
Hoth said:
Stay completely inside for more than a week or two and there's just no way around depression.

My average day is a whole lot less stressful than when I had to go out.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a contradiction..

No, it's not a contradiction for two reasons:
1) I don't have to go out, but I choose to get out for a walk or whatever at least once a week, because I know the consequences of staying in forever are bad.
2) Depression needn't be stressful, at least in the way I think of stress. It's a feeling of emptiness where you stop caring about things, which might even eliminate stress since stress is about caring too much.
I hate leaving the house lately. I thought I was getting better but I havent left in 2 weeks or longer, like someone else said, the days really run together now. I'm forcing myself to get out on Monday, I HAVE to, at least go for a run or something.


Well-known member
Most days I have to force myself to go out somewhere. Some days, my social anxiety is worse than others, & I just can't handle going out at all. When I don't go out, I'm usually either lying on the couch, half-sleeping or on here.

I've sort of become addicted to sleeping lately. I guess it's another form of escape...from my anxiety & just life in general. It feels so good to just curl up on the couch with my blanket & fall asleep to my ipod. But, somedays, it just gets depressing. When I'm home, I know I'm hiding & I feel kind of pathetic & that depresses me.