I love TEA!



Well-known member
The only point about tea for me is, that it's hot. Otherwise I can't see why people are so obsessed with this dull tasting brew. I don't mind driniking tea though, as long as it's not ordinary or black tea (rubbish). I don't mind green tea because it's allegedly healthy, or any herbal teas. I don't like fruit teas as they are sour and that's no way good for me! I never put milk in my tea (we don't do it in our country but not that's why, I just don't think it's necessary. Because I either drink milk by itself, or tea. Why mixed?) Btw milk is my most favourite drink. Am I weird :confused:.

I love milk endlessly, you are not alone!


Well-known member
I don't really like tea and have managed to avoid it for years now. I used to have tea when I was little just to dunk biscuits in not to drink it. Boiled leaves in a cup, eugh.


Well-known member
I'm quite a fan of tea and have had my fair tasting of a number of tea varieties. From lapsang souchong and indian chai to fresh, loose leaf mint tea, they've all been found to be wonderful in their own way.

Green tea is probably my favorite for being relatively normal, easy to find and cheap.

pookah! that's not tea! thats the aftermath of frog sex in a smoothie
dont drink it!



Well-known member
The only point about tea for me is, that it's hot. Otherwise I can't see why people are so obsessed with this dull tasting brew. I don't mind driniking tea though, as long as it's not ordinary or black tea (rubbish). I don't mind green tea because it's allegedly healthy, or any herbal teas. I don't like fruit teas as they are sour and that's no way good for me! I never put milk in my tea (we don't do it in our country but not that's why, I just don't think it's necessary. Because I either drink milk by itself, or tea. Why mixed?) Btw milk is my most favourite drink. Am I weird :confused:.

I drink milky tea because it's yummy :) i would never put milk in green or herbal tea though, they taste good as they are. Honey can be nice in tea too.


Well-known member

I think there is an SPW rule that there's no pssssshing of iced tea allowed :confused:

If there isn't, then there should be ::p:

I retract my aforementioned statement about iced tea and psssh. It was a spurt of antagonism. I actually quite enjoy iced tea to quench summertime thirst! ::p: