I just told my boyfriend that I have SA

Taylor mae

And im so scared he is going to leave me now. Ive been with him for almost 5 years, he is the ONLY person I feel comfortable talking to. Im so close to him but so distant from everyone else in my life. I used to have friends in high school but they moved away and I dont know how to make new friends. I feel so alone when Im not with my boyfriend. Hes always known that im shy and dont like to talk much but he didnt know how bad it really was. If I lose him I willl be completely alone. Im terrified I will never be close to anyone, not even my family. I just want to be normal


Well-known member
If he's been with you for 5 years and you are just telling him, I'd expect this news to be more as an explanation than a revelation or shock.

If he does leave you though, better you realize now what he's been hiding than in another 5 years.

Edit: Welcome to the forums ^_^
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Hey Taylor Mae,

I think it's a brave action that you have told your boyfriend about your sa.
I think the one you love, should deal with that, and accept the way you are.
Because it's something you have, and you should talk about it.
I hope he will support you :) Because that's what i call true love.
And after 5 years it's time to tell you know, it's not like you decide to have this and does he notice your sa?
and I can understand you feel alone, maybe you should go to a social club,
or meet people.. so many ways to meet people anywhere..
Just know the right way.. or go to social places. But I know it's hard to approach people, but u have a chance with that.
I think people here on SPW, would love to be your friend. =)
Wish you all the luck you need!!

Xx Flowergirlie :-*


Well-known member
Hi and Welcome! :)

Okay, take a deep breath, breathe in, breathe out.. RELAX..

You can LEARN how to make friends. You can LEARN how to communicate to people.. You can do LOTS of things to work on this!!

There is lots of info here on this site and elsewhere online, there are good books you can read that help..

If you tell us more about where you live (town/city/countryside) and what are you interested in (any hobbies or special interests etc?) we can help you brainstorm where to meet new friends or just hang out with interesting people..

There are people on this forum who were bad off and recuperated, or are recuperating now and doing things to 'get out of the comfort zone' and meet new people!! (Hey, I'm one of them too, lol! It scares me to go out and meet people, but then it's also really good!! :))

So, things can happen! It's a good step that you came here and you can learn from others and be inspired!! :)

Taylor mae

I already feel so much better knowing that everyone here has experienced the same things as me. Its very comforting.


Well-known member
And im so scared he is going to leave me now. Ive been with him for almost 5 years, he is the ONLY person I feel comfortable talking to. Im so close to him but so distant from everyone else in my life. I used to have friends in high school but they moved away and I dont know how to make new friends. I feel so alone when Im not with my boyfriend. Hes always known that im shy and dont like to talk much but he didnt know how bad it really was. If I lose him I willl be completely alone. Im terrified I will never be close to anyone, not even my family. I just want to be normal

If he loves you, then he won't leave you because of this after being with you for half a decade.


Well-known member
If your friends moved away, you can still keep in contact, via phone or internet, or reestablish contact (even if you didn't hear from each other for a long time) any upcoming meet-ups/reunions or such can help.. You'd be surprised how happy some of them can be if you call them! (At least I was! :))

And there can be quiet and easy places to meet people at events eg in libraries or if you go volunteering or in artsy/crafty/eco clubs..


Well-known member
Don't worry, if he really loves you he will stick with you :)
I hope it all works out for you! xD

Taylor mae

I could tell he didnt really understand.. But I mean, no one can understand what it feels like unless they have it too. he didnt say much about it.. But he was supportive.


Well-known member
It's good that he was supportive! :)

Oh how I dread talking on the phone :( I could never call them, I wouldnt know what to say

Can you e-mail them then? Or find them on Facebook or such? And just add them ('Hi! This is so-and-so, great to see you here too!!':)) and write on their wall? :) Something cheerful, short and upbeat?