I have schizoprenia


Well-known member
Something weird has happend with my schizo disease, with my last talk with my pychologist he explained all my symptoms and just sat me down and laid it out.
Now I can smell better, and this may sound weird but I can sometimes smell music and my own feelings and others.
There body launge I can read so much cleary and when I get tired or drink coffee I swear I can even feel there vibes a bit.
what is this?


Well-known member
Sounds like you may have some level of psychic ability. Don't be scared by it, but learn to use and develop what you have to your own and other's benefits. You have a gift that few have, so use it wisely and you will do great things with your life.


I thought synethesia too - I saw a documentary about this guy who had it and could taste colours. His whole house was blue because it was his favorite flavour..

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Yeah, synesthesia was what hit me when I read the post. Smelling colors, tasting shapes etc.
Sounds like the lyrics to a Grateful Dead song, but it's real.


Well-known member
I dont know if telling a schizophrenic he has psychic abilities is a wise idea.

I don't claim to know a lot about Schizophrenia or the condition that the OP is suffering with. Going only from what the OP described, it does seem like a gift rather than something to be ignored. Imagine the impact a healer that knows how people are feeling would have on the world. A psycologist with these skills would not have to ask someone how they are feeling, they would instantly know.

A dog has extra ability to sniff out stuff, yet does not have a illness. Some dogs even seem able to pick up on vibes from others, I have experienced this myself as a child with a dog barking at me when I was afraid, but would be excited to see me when I approached the dog with a calm attitude. This too would only be considered an illness when diagnosed in a human being.

We don't have to be scared of anything that is abnormal. We can embrace it, and learn from it, even grow from it. A lot of children have natural psychic ability yet their talents are stiffled by their parents telling them that it is ridiculous that they can see or hear things that the rest of us can't. It is time for a change, a change that sees people with special abilities able to make use of their talents.


Well-known member
Something weird has happend with my schizo disease, with my last talk with my pychologist he explained all my symptoms and just sat me down and laid it out.
Now I can smell better, and this may sound weird but I can sometimes smell music and my own feelings and others.
There body launge I can read so much cleary and when I get tired or drink coffee I swear I can even feel there vibes a bit.
what is this?

S., maybe you could also be lacking magnesium or some other minerals/vitamins?
Or you might be chemically sensitive? Sense of hearing and smell can be related to different things..
Yup, synaesthesia comes to mind.. Some great artists had it..

Check your meds and ask your doc if this could be side effects?(Google stuff up first) Maybe some other meds might be better?
Could you smell music etc. before you took any meds?

Caffeine, sugar and alcohol and some chemicals and environmental toxics reduce amount of magnesium and other good minerals in the body...

Can you actually 'smell' other people's feelings, or just 'experience them' with empathy? What do you mean by 'feel the vibes' - just sense if they're happy/cranky (= empathy) or is it different, more physical/sensorial experience?

I agree dogs can sense fear and even if the owner likes or dislikes the person who comes to visit... (watch them bark!) Lots of people 'sense' other people's emotions in a general way...
Synaesthesia is different though, look it up..

You can get some interesting stuff if you google 'synaesthesia schizophrenia' too: HISTORY OF SYNAESTHESIA apparently sometimes the two were mistaken, or some people could have both: Health Report - 18/12/00: Synaesthesia

Maybe some people do have psychic abilities, it's different than schizophrenia though.. (real psychic abilities can usually be verified somehow... while schizophrenia may just show random images/experiences, as far as I know..?)

So, if it's real schizophrenia, it may not be good to talk about psychic abilities... (If you google 'schizophrenia psychic abilities' apparently some people are confused if they have either, and some are sceptical of it all.. Apparently there are even tests online (??) Not sure how valid they would be...)
It may be good to learn more about s&s and try to learn what's going on..
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Well-known member
Aussie lad, do you not believe in modern Western medicine?

A lot of medicines are okay, but the West does not have all the answers. There is much knowledge out there that the West refuses to accept, because certain powers to be believe it to be dangerous to investigate alternatives, so they don't even try.