I have a weird voice :(


When I talk, I have a really weird voice I think ::(:
I'm so self concious that I JUDGE MYSELF on my voice...
Sometimes I get reallly angry at myself and stressed because of it..
My voice sounds just so quietly ( not loudly) and so inholden
I don't talk confidental
And it drives me crazy
Sometimes I just don't wanna say a word.. because I feel so ashamed of my own voice


aww, I bet you have a beautiful voice!

I know how you feel tho - I feel the same way. I never want to get on Ventrillo or xbox live because I think I sound like a boy. Now, I work at a hotel and am stuck answering phones all the time.. so that helped me get a little more used to it. It still bothers me when I have to repeat myself tho.


Well-known member
It's very normal for people to not like their own voices. I've heard your voice & I like it. I'd trade it over my own, which I don't like, any day lol. Try to just remember that you're the only one who doesn't like your voice & that no one else is judging you on it, so you should try not to judge yourself over it, either.


Well-known member
I'm very self-conscious about my voice too.
Around family members, when I'm reasonably relaxed, it's OK but when I'm nervous - talking to someone I don't know or on the phone - it doesn't come out right. It sort of breaks up or comes out too low, even as a whisper.
It's been terribly embarrassing on occasions, especially when someone hasn't heard the response I've made to a question or greeting and so has assumed I didn't bother to answer.

I wonder how much one of those voice synthesizers used to such effect by Stephen Hawking would set me back? :)


Well-known member
I always think that I have weird voice. My voice changes during my mood. Its more sharp and likable when I am angry, because I think my voice is weak. I wish I could have strong and dark voice. But than again all top politicians and influential people have weird voices. Like Bush or Hitler. I was shocked to hear Stalin's week voice since he is called "the man of steel", but he had such a slow unappealing Georgian accent that I am amazed how he became the man he was. Voice is not the obstacle in all cases.


Well-known member
I've heard your voice and it sounds fine. I don't like mine, the worst is hearing it on a recording. When i am nervous my voice is so lame.


Well-known member
I dislike my voice, too. One of my biggest wishes is to have a strong, confident voice. I don't even crave a loud, obnoxious voice. I just want a voice that speaks with dignity and clarity (I don't care if it's quiet) and travels to the listener with no problems.

Maybe it's the SA that has caused me to speak so low and unclear. I don't know. I just hate it.


Well-known member
I'm the same way, but I try to ignore that. I just try to think.. "everyone voice is different... they might here is differently... they aren't worrying about how I sound they just want to actually hear me talk..."

My voice is actually one thing with my SA problems. obviously, but it might stop me from saying something becuase Im worried how I might sound.


Well-known member
I can relate with this, I think. Sometimes when I speak it seems very weird. Mostly because it sounds and feels like I'm speaking for the first time in months or something. Like there's something at the back of my throat, holding me back. I'm also quiet, but I'd rather be quiet than someone who is loud and obnoxious. At times I also think I sound veryyyy, very young.


Well-known member
one of the symptoms of SA is a tightening of the larynx and feeling that words are stuck in your throat. don't obsess about it if you can avoid it. and the more you try to fight it the tenser your throat will become. just know that it is not part of who you really are but just a consequence of your condition. try and think of Stephen Hawking talking through that computer. he is not faulted for how he sounds.


Well-known member
ok offtopic: I have the strange feeling that this topic was started before not today is it is written. is it true? or I am nuts ?:-s


Well-known member
I'm more self-conscious about the way I talk rather than how my voice sounds. I have a dark, somewhat raspy voice--but I've never received any negative attention because of it.


Well-known member
I heard your voice and I love it. You sound so cute and sweet, I prefer a voice like that. Some girls have really annoying voices that hurt my ears.


Active member
i hate my voice - in fact, i tend to dislike female voices in general...no offense to the females here - hey, at least i hate your voices all equally. ::p:

btw, did i mention i'm a pro (local) vocalist? :eek: - oh yeah, and way back in life, i used to earn a living by recording voice mail greetings and menus for national corporations...yes, seriously - i'm that voice you swore at every time you called your bank or utility company - and i heard every word you said (*that's* why i sent you back to the main menu each time). :D
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btw, did i mention i'm a pro (local) vocalist? :eek: - oh yeah, and way back in life, i used to earn a living by recording voice mail greetings and menus for national corporations...yes, seriously - i'm that voice you swore at every time you called your bank or utility company - and i heard every word you said (*that's* why i sent you back to the main menu each time). :D

LMAO!!!:D:D......I have been told that my voice sounds like I'm 5 years old when I am talking to someone on the phone.


Well-known member
I used to think my voice sounded deep, like a boy, just because it sounds like that to my own ears. But whenever I hear a recording of my voice, I can't believe how high pitched it is! I don't like, but I don't know what I'd prefer, a high-pitched voice or a deep voice! But yes, I think my voice is quite strange and annoying.


Well-known member

When I talk, I have a really weird voice I think ::(:
I'm so self concious that I JUDGE MYSELF on my voice...
Sometimes I get reallly angry at myself and stressed because of it..
My voice sounds just so quietly ( not loudly) and so inholden
I don't talk confidental
And it drives me crazy
Sometimes I just don't wanna say a word.. because I feel so ashamed of my own voice

I've seen your youtube videos, you have a beautifull voice. :D