I have 3 options. What should I do?


My mom just told me that she really wants to help me out of my SA.
And she told me that i have 3 options,
these ones:

1. Go to a clinic, with really professional help, and other people with SA and related problems. But it's really far away, like 2 hours away. So I can't see my family and friends for a long time. But I will get really intensive professional help by good doctors and therapists etc.

2. Fight it with own power. Face my fears together with support from my family and friends, My aunt will go out with me once a week, and my parents will try to help me, and some other supportive people.

3. Have therapy in my own state, and get help from my family and friends too.

I think I will do the first one, but It will be a really tough time, going my own way, alone in a clinic.
But there's only one prob, we dont know for how long it'll take before I can get there. So I hope it won't last a year.
That's always a big issue waiting for help.


Well-known member
I would pick option 1 myself! I think my environment, people making fun of me, rejecting me and stuff is why I am the way I am. Maybe if I were to get away from all of that and start again I think I could improve so much! There isn't anything or anyone for me at home, so I would be okay with being somewhere else. You say you have friends though and a loving family, so maybe you do want to stay?

But anyway yes I would pick option 1. If you think you are capable of conquering it with your own will you might as well stay. But if you don't think you can do it (nothing wrong with that) try going to this clinic!


Well-known member
Yeah I'd go for option 1 too. It might be a bit of a trek to get there being 2 hours away, but if the help is really good then it'll be worth it.

You may even find that after really good professional help, option 2 becomes easy and something you can take away with you. Good luck :)


You are so lucky that your parents are nice and supportive, that's a big thing! That's why I like the option 2 as well as the option 1. Still if you have the chance and get the clinical treatment, I think it would be a shame to leave it. After all, you can return home any time.


Well-known member
option 1 would be my choice. it will help more to be working with others intensively who are going through the same thing. you are very lucky to have the chance. go for it and good luck. and tell the board all the details - it will help many people.


Well-known member
Good luck with it! You could maybe try it with family first before you go to a clinic. The clinic situation maybe too overwhelming in itself at this point, because everything being unfamiliar. I find jumping in the deep end never usually works with this thing. I, think what happens is I am too overwhelmed and end up having that outer body experience they talk about, so you not really there because you separate yourself from the situation and your mind doesn’t register that you faced it or that it was a positive experience.


Active member
Fight it alongside your family while you wait on the clinic. If you enter an institution, it's better to enter with the mindset of a fighter, not the expectation of others solving your problems.


Well-known member
if you go to a clinic it may help you to be away from your father for a bit. from what you've written I'm not sure how supportive he is of you and may have contributed some to your current situation. maybe you could ask your mom about this because if you do it with your family you will have all the family politics to deal with on top of working really hard on treatment. at a clinic at least the one thing you will know is that everyone there will be just as terrified and "out of body" as you are.


Well-known member
i think 2 nd option is not really an option. If you have such supportive parents, relatives they continue to help you all the time and whether you get speacial care from professionals or not does not matter for them. So choose 1st option and have both 1st and 2nd i think..