
I don't like my voice, either. ::(:

Sometimes I don't want to talk, so that I don't need to hear it... U__U


Well-known member
Lol, there is some interesting messages on here.

I think a lot of us have a voice we don't like, I'm particularly self conscious of mine! I think the way to change is just practice daily, reading out a list of words in a voice that you find comfortable.


I don't usually think about it very much (nor do I want to.... don't need another obsession!). But I do once in a while feel self-conscious about it, especially after hearing it when it's been recorded! :eek:

I read in a science article that when you hear your voice recorded, that's actually how it sounds to other people because it's not traveling through your jawbone to your brain or something, lol. But that's just awful to hear, because most people don't like the way their voice sounds when it's been recorded. Fantastic. I think I sound like a little boy, LOL.


Well-known member
I don't like my voice at all either, I don't think I ever have. I used to get made fun of by a teacher a few years ago because of my voice, and that obviously did not help my self-esteem at all.

I only hate how there's really no bass to my voice.

But I can sing along with a lot of that power metal that I'm fond of. Not particularly well, but at least I can hit most of the notes.

I worry more about my accent than the pitch and timbre of my voice. Damned Philadelphian accent.

^ Really? I don't mind Philadelphian accents at all, since I grew up kinda around that area (Southern NJ). I'm just really curious, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but where do you live?


Well-known member
When i used to play cod4 competitivly some of the guys told me on Ventrilo i will never have a girl with a voice like this.


Well-known member
Well, your recorded voice runs through whatever analog it's being recorded through and processed by, so it can sound different... not all mics sound the same so your voice won't. But it's a better judge then how you sound to yourself for suuureeee which sucks.

But I still hate my voice.
Of all the most RIDICULOUS and RETARDED anxieties! This is soooo STOOOOPID! Whenever I am on the phone people think I am a woman. Do I give a ***? NO! Get OVER YOURSELF! There are MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE THAN A GIRLIE-VOICE!!!! LIKE CAPITALIZING LETTERS!!!

Seriously, you are a total douche.

Dear Anonymous

You may be the Top Poster on this forum, but does this honestly give you the licence to be so ill-mannered?


On topic, I've had to develop a louder, deeper, more authoritive voice to use at work, and it comes naturally now when I need it.