I got a girl's phone number!


Well-known member
I was at a bar last night, alone, like I usually do. These two girls were kind of standing there near me talking, and I'm like "Hey, are you guys shy? You've been standing there 5 minutes but you haven't said hi!" and we got to talking and stuff. One of them wasn't that interested but one was totally into me! Finally the other one dragged her off but as they were leaving I'm like "you seem like a fun person, we should get together some time. " and I handed her my phone and she keyed in her number!

That's a first for me.

Now we'll see if I have the balls to call her to get coffee or something.


Well-known member
Falcon said:
These two girls were kind of standing there near me talking, and I'm like "Hey, are you guys shy? You've been standing there 5 minutes but you haven't said hi!"

is it assumed that u should talk to the people next to u at a bar? I never really had that of experience so i don't know the norm.

u don't sound like u have sa at all lol

oops i think i misunderstood did u think that in ur head or say it out loud?


Well-known member
Way to go falcon on the phone number. :D :D Now all you have to do is take the second step and call her. :lol:


Well-known member
That is absolutely terrificman. What I especially found encouraging about what you said, was that you were actually there alone and you had the courage to actually speak to these two girls.

I am curious, what was going through your mind, before you actually made the approach and what was your conversation about. How did you feel during it? What thoughts were you having?

I think, if you could share this information, it would be very helpful for us, especially to me. When I want to say something, it usually remains at the thought level, and if I do say it, it leaves me feeling awkward.


Well-known member
Chihiro said:
is it assumed that u should talk to the people next to u at a bar? I never really had that of experience so i don't know the norm.

u don't sound like u have sa at all lol

oops i think i misunderstood did u think that in ur head or say it out loud?
Well, if you're at a bar it's assumed that you're there to be social. So you should never expect to get the cold shoulder if you start talking to someone, especially if they're not in a conversation but just kind of standing there (unless you break in on some hot girl and her boyfriend chatting in the corner or something, lol).

Now that said, it's pretty unusual for girls to start a conversation with guys. That was why my comment to them 'worked', I think. That is, got them interested. Because I, the guy, started the conversation, but my implication was that they should have started it. Sounds stupid but anyway it worked lol.

I may not sound like I have SA. But I do. Or rather, I'm recovering. You should go search for my first post on here :). I used to mourn the fact that I had no friends, never had a girlfriend, couldn't talk to people, etc...then I realized that it was within my power to change it. So I started working at it. I've been at it for 2 or 3 months now. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard. I've put myself in some very uncomfortable situations (heck, even walking into a bar alone is still very uncomfortable for me). But I knew the goal I wanted, and I'm on my way there. That said, I do have a long way to go. I'm still not a great conversationalist.

Rainman said:
That is absolutely terrificman. What I especially found encouraging about what you said, was that you were actually there alone and you had the courage to actually speak to these two girls.
Yep, but I built up to it. I've been to a bar/club alone about 6 times. The first time I kind of hid in a corner then left without speaking to anyone. Now I can actually talk to people. Don't expect it to happen overnight, it takes effort and time.

I am curious, what was going through your mind, before you actually made the approach and what was your conversation about. How did you feel during it? What thoughts were you having?
I was nervous as hell before making the approach. I tried to look nonchalant. Then I made my first comment (the "you haven't said hi" thing) and a great weight was lifted. The girls started talking to me. I started talking back. And I basically just turned off the analytic part of my brain and went for it. I tried to get interested in what they had to say, I concentrated on smiling, and I told some stories of mine. That was it. This too takes practice. I'm certainly not a pro, either. But I will be, in a few months, as will you, if you keep at it.

For way too long I was a KJ (keyboard jockey). I'd read about self-improvement and how to conquer anxiety and shyness, and I'd write down the goals in the self-help books and stuff, but I didn't DO anything about it. And I got no results. The only way to get results is to DO. Yes, it'll be uncomfortable, even traumatic. But if you enforce positivity in every thought you have, and you continue to try, you will see results, and fast, too. Always keep in mind that you're not out to get anything from anyone. You're out for YOU, and ANY social interaction helps YOU. If a girl flirts with you for an hour and gives you her number, that helps YOU. If you ask a girl a question and she smiles disdainfully and turns away, that helps YOU. If you go up to a group of girls and they pay attention to you for a few min but kind of drift off into their own conversation leaving you hanging, that helps YOU. All of those interactions are good interactions, because they help YOU!

Hope this helps. :)


Well-known member
Falcon said:
You're out for YOU, and ANY social interaction helps YOU. If a girl flirts with you for an hour and gives you her number, that helps YOU. If you ask a girl a question and she smiles disdainfully and turns away, that helps YOU. If you go up to a group of girls and they pay attention to you for a few min but kind of drift off into their own conversation leaving you hanging, that helps YOU. All of those interactions are good interactions, because they help YOU!

what if you approach a chick and say hi but her friend tells you to fuck off because your an ugly cunt, how does that help?

my point being - how did you know the risk would pay off? In the past Ive approached chicks in bars and always regretted even trying. nowdays I still go to bars alone but only talk to Miss Rum n Miss Cola, they are too bad when you get the two of them together


Well-known member
Horatio said:
what if you approach a chick and say hi but her friend tells you to fuck off because your an ugly cunt, how does that help?

my point being - how did you know the risk would pay off? In the past Ive approached chicks in bars and always regretted even trying. nowdays I still go to bars alone but only talk to Miss Rum n Miss Cola, they are too bad when you get the two of them together

This is going to be kinda long. Please read and understand it deeply, because I know where you're coming from. I once believed the same as you. Heck, not 3 months ago I believed the same as you.

First, you are a scientist. You are out to get interesting reactions from people. That's all. Any interesting reaction goes into your little black science notebook to build your experience. ANY reaction builds experience, that's the most fundamental fact. It's possible to get soooo bogged down worrying about getting "good" reactions that you lose sight of the fact that by just HAVING reactions builds experience, and experience is necessary to have a higher chance of getting good reactions. That make sense? If you maintain the right frame, it's literally impossible to go out and have a bad night, because everything you do builds your experience, which makes you more successful. Work on getting into this frame.

Next, unless you've got a disfigurement or poor hygiene or grooming, it will be incredibly rare that a girl will tell you to fuck off because of your looks. If she says fuck off, it's going to be because you came across as needy or horny - that is, you telegraphed that you wanted her for sex. If you come across as disinterested or casually chatty, they're almost always polite. I have seen fat hairy guys with buck teeth chatting with model looking girls. Talk to them confidently, and if they reject you, it will be in a much more passive way, such as walking away, or ignoring you, or something. Not that it matters, because you're still building experience.

Seriously though, once you get over the initial fear...it's SO EASY.


Well-known member
Well done mate, getting a number is cool. Its cool that she was into you and you should give her a ring and sort something out.


Wow!! What you did is awesome!! Great!
I hope you'll call her and let us know how it was!
Your post gave me hope that i can get better, too!!
good luck


Well-known member
Horatio said:
Falcon said:
You're out for YOU, and ANY social interaction helps YOU. If a girl flirts with you for an hour and gives you her number, that helps YOU. If you ask a girl a question and she smiles disdainfully and turns away, that helps YOU. If you go up to a group of girls and they pay attention to you for a few min but kind of drift off into their own conversation leaving you hanging, that helps YOU. All of those interactions are good interactions, because they help YOU!

what if you approach a chick and say hi but her friend tells you to fuck off because your an ugly cunt, how does that help?

my point being - how did you know the risk would pay off? In the past Ive approached chicks in bars and always regretted even trying. nowdays I still go to bars alone but only talk to Miss Rum n Miss Cola, they are too bad when you get the two of them together

Not sure if this will help but ill post it anyway.
When I first started going clubbing (yeah I know most people with sa despise clubbing) I was a nervous wreck didnt know how to dance was scared to talk to girls even when drunk and not knowing what to do/say. After a while of going out I became pretty used to it and started chatting to girls sure you get rejected but thats just normal I used to get rejected a lot and think i couldn compete with my mates and think "whats wrong with me" but though experience I learn a lot and more or less stopped caring about getting rejected i used to go out with this guy called andy who I met in college who was just your typical player good looks and very confident we used to pull girls just by being daft and saying silly things. he used to start up all the conversations then just include me when we were with girls the main thing he did was just use his humour to pull girls. Ive always had a really good sense of humour which is why i think we got on so well. I used to think we only pulled coz of him but I lost touch with him when college finished and I still do the same thing in nightclubs no matter who im with and 9/10 illl be sucessfull. I think its just comes down to experiance and confidence. its amazing the way being with the right type of people can help you. its not necessarly nightclubs though ive read so many posts about not having bf/gf's but unless you push yourself into these things and start learning how to do them your just going to stay the same

I know a lot of you hate the idea of clubs and stuff but until you try these things youl have no idea what your missing. There are some things that just cant be taught you just have to learn for yourself.


Well-known member
scyth said:
I know a lot of you hate the idea of clubs and stuff but until you try these things youl have no idea what your missing. There are some things that just cant be taught you just have to learn for yourself.

I know what you mean in that its easy to be afraid of pubs/clubs, especially when you dont have friends and when you have SA

Until last year I had only been out a few times but in the last year I've probably been out clubbing or to a pub on about 80 or so occasions with varying levels of confidence ranging from drunken depression to full of confidence from recent work successes.

on no occasions did I succesfully meet a chick... but thats just me. I now only go out drinking once every second weekend instead of several times every week. its much cheaper to drink at home, and I have just as much chance of scoring a chick :lol:

I think your right though, if your in good company who make the moves and drag you into the conversation then you stand a much better chance


when you do it ten ore more times, you get used to everything.
for example, First week of my therapy group, i was very scared.
Now i went there 5 or 6 times and i spoke much more the last time i was here.
I'm not strong enough to go to club or something, but i will some day.
and i think of course, first you have to clean your head, but then go to a situation, when you feel ready to do it. If the first, the second... time it is bad, you try more. Thats what i'm trying to do, i mean i know i should persist otherwise i'll be in this place for ever. :wink:


Well-known member
Falcon said:
First, you are a scientist. You are out to get interesting reactions from people. That's all. Any interesting reaction goes into your little black science notebook to build your experience. ANY reaction builds experience, that's the most fundamental fact. It's possible to get soooo bogged down worrying about getting "good" reactions that you lose sight of the fact that by just HAVING reactions builds experience, and experience is necessary to have a higher chance of getting good reactions. That make sense? If you maintain the right frame, it's literally impossible to go out and have a bad night, because everything you do builds your experience, which makes you more successful. Work on getting into this frame.

I like this approach. To me, it's things like this which make this site valuable, it's something practical which people can take on board and apply in real life.

I've been getting real low the last few days because I've got some event I've got to go to this weekend. My stomach has been in knots, my brain going into overdrive thinking about how bad it's all going to go, I'm barely sleeping because of worry which in itself compounds the problem because I'm too tired to think straight.

I'd pretty much made up my mind that I just would have to pull out of the event, knowing full well that not going would be the true failure, but your post has given me something to consider and helped me get my thoughts back on track again.

I've actually heard of your approach before but had forgotten all about it so it's great to have this timely reminder. So thanks!!

btw, did you call the girl back?


Well-known member
Congratulations,thats something i would never be able to force my self to do!
I am glad it worked out for you and i hope that you call her/she calls you and you 2 make a go at it,i agree that the next stage would be a general meet,get a drink have a chat to get to know her better,i wish you the best of luck with her :D