I got a girl's phone number!


Well-known member
Remind youself that not all women are gorgeous and being actively pursued by handsome, charming men. Many women are just plain looking, not particularly outstanding in any way, just want to be wanted and give and receive love, just like us.

To put it in rather more crude language, for every loser guy in this world, there's a female equivalent, chances are we just don't take any notice of them or they are hiding away, like us. Do we have any right to expect to get the "better" women whilst ignoring the "lesser" ones, whilst at the same time complaining that, as lesser men, we're being ignored?

Also, whilst Quixote's description is true as a generalisation, not all women seek precisely the same thing. Personal tastes vary enormously, there are plenty of far less than perfect men who get by fine, they just didn't have SA distorting all their thoughts into negative ones. There are also plenty of women who may desire all these attributes in a man but they aren't attractive to these men so will ahve to settle for less.

What do we do about? Improve ourselves.

I think the most important things is to change our negative thinking patterns. Some of it is self-pitying, so that can be stamped out just by reminding yourself to do so. This is something I've been doing in recent months and it's surprising how quick, often in an instant, I can change my mood when I'm feeling low and catch myself feeling sorry for myself again. I mentally kick myself up the ass when I catch myself doing it.

There's plenty of things you can do to work on stopping negative thinking patterns and adopting positive thinking. But do you really do much about it? Really? I know I don't. I like to tell myself that I do because I've read a few books or articles about it in the past, but I really don't take much action or make much effort to change things. It's little wonder I'm still where I am. It's like expecting to run a marathon by reading a book about fitness, running round the block a couple of times a month and then feeling cheated that I'm not fit yet. Changing deep-rooted negative thinking takes consistent effort, daily workouts.

When you go out to the bar alone, what is it about you that women would find attractive? In my case (not that I ever go out to bars, and certainly not alone!), physically, nothing. I'm puny, prematurely bald, bla...bla...ba...there's that negative stuff again....but I'm sure the sight of me, slumped over a pint of warm beer, at a table by myself is not an attractive sight. So perhaps that's not the best place for me to be going. Instead, maybe I should spend my spare time pursuing more virtuous past-times which will increase my knowledge and experience. I've been going to evening classes in music, something which I find uplifting in various ways - music is intrinsically uplifting, playing music means I can be around people without having to talk so much, I'm learning a new skill, I'm getting away from moping around at home worrying, I can talk a little to the others in the class about our progress and enjoyment of the music. I've also recently noticed that, whilst the class started out about 60% female 40% male, over the months, most of the guys have dropped out and some weeks, I'm the only guy there, yet I don't feel particularly uncomfortable with that and nor do I feel rejected by the women. Previously, I had convinced myself that all women found me completely repellent, but I don't get that feeling at the class. Being around women in a "safe" environment gives me the chance to observe what they're like. On the whole, they're really nice and don't judge you as some horrible little slimeball, it's in my own mind that I'd assumed that's what they allthought of me. Of course, there are some real unpleasant women out there who probably do think that of me, and I've probably decided that if one or two girls were unpleasant to me as a teenager, then that's what all females must think of me, so I withdraw and never take the chance to see if any of them think differently. Ok, I'm starting to forget what this thread is about and I'm sure you've stopped reading it anway, so I can say bum and you won't even notice.

Horatio, I think it would be good to here your opinion, I suspect you're in the same boat I was in 10 years ago (although I didn't know I had SA then, I just thought I was cursed or something), but I can assure you that giving up, whilst it can lead to a more stable frame of mind rather than the troughs of rejection, you'll never come close to happiness, it'll always be there lurking beneath the surface, you have to face up to it and make the effort. Now that I know I have SA and that there's plenty of advice and stuff out there which I can apply, I know I have to make the effort. The last 10 years of "safety" by not trying or taking any more risk, is just a big empty void and a waste of a life.


Well-known member
hmmm you do talk a lot of sense Pitkreet and good on you for going out there and taking music classes, that would take a lot of guts

I can see what you mean about "lesser gals" and "lesser guys" but I hate it. I hate the thought of having to look for faults in girls to help decide wether or not she is desperate enough to give me a chance. to be honest a relationship formed on that basis could possibly work on a sexual level but on any other level would struggle

how would the wedding speeches go when people ask how we met? "Well actually I was walking down the street and saw this buck toothed hairless jabba the hutt lookalike and knew she was the one for me, well the only one that would say yes"

ok that was a slight exaggeration but I think my point is valid. I dont want to be in the situation where Im persuing a girl purely because I think she is desperate enough to say yes. but then again I think often the kinda gals im attracted to are very rarely the popular scantily dressed sort anyway

however I also do have to admit that every day for 4 months when I lived up north I used to take a shortcut through the blind foundation's carpark and used to always wish I'd meet some sweet blind girl who might give me a chance, lol

you said that "The last 10 years of "safety" by not trying or taking any more risk, is just a big empty void and a waste of a life" I have to disagree with that. What if I try my very best but fail to meet any girl in that ten years? All that confidence, resources and time that I put into such an endeavour would be wasted for nothing. Why not invest all that elsewhere instead? Sure it will be lonely but maybe I can still make something of myself in another capacity. Maybe I will finally write a novel, or get that film script funded or get a decent career off the ground or travel the world or whatever. Ever since I actively stopped showing any interest in any females Ive managed to acheive a lot more in other areas of my life and have been on just as many dates as I did when I was approaching women, lol


Well-known member
Horatio wrote: so what are you supposed to do if you simply do not have those attributes?

Well, my answer was at the end of the post, and it can be summarized as: "nothing"

But that may have been a little too pessimistic after all. Perhaps, as Pitkreet said, it could be that we just need to focus less on finding a girlfriend *right now* and instead work on building skills, learning new things and abilities, improving ourselves in short. This in order to be able, in the future, to be more desiderable, or "signal" better.

So our three ways of looking at the problem are not incompatible, both Pitkreet and Horatio are doing just that it seems. As for myself, erhm, I will start working on it pretty soon, tomorrow... or perhaps next week...well one day I certainly will :wink:

Ok, I'm starting to forget what this thread is about and I'm sure you've stopped reading it anway, so I can say bum and you won't even notice.

I Read it all :)


Well-known member
Great stuff, pitkreet. Falcon says: two thumbs up.


Looks are unimportant to women.

There, I said it. It's a half-truth, of course, because everyone considers looks unimportant on some level, but think about all the cute girls you've seen with ugly guys, or ugly girls with really built guys - it happens, and it happens a lot. The reason is this: CONFIDENCE.

More than anything else, what attracts women (and heck, even platonic male friends) is confidence and personality. Looks play a part as well, but confidence and personality will *always* trump them. If you're a 1 (out of 10) on looks, you might have to display a 9 on confidence and personality to attract a beautiful woman. If you're a 9 on looks, you might only have to have a 6 on confidence and personality.

The important thing to take out of this is that while looks are relatively difficult to improve (you could lose weight and work out, but you can't alter your facial bone structure or your smile), confidence and personality can be acquired.

How do I know? Because I'm doing it. I am 27 years old. I am a virgin. I have never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl. Until 2 months ago, I didn't have any friends. And now...I have friends. Not a lot, but a few. I have basically no problem approaching girls in a bar and having a mutually good time flirting and chatting, even if I'm still not adept at getting a phone number. On Friday I approached a group of 5 girls. I "owned" the conversation for at least 15 min, and had them all laughing, hi-fiving me, etfc. And I used to have social phobia!! I was too scared to even speak up in a meeting at work!!! I'm living proof that you CAN learn confidence and personality.

Here's the advice I'll give you.

1) You must want to change and you must commit to doing it. If you're someone who can't finish what they start, or gives up when it gets difficult, it's not going to work. Because it will be difficult and stressful, at first, anyway, and then frustrating later on, when you can see yourself making improvements but they're not coming as fast as you'd like.

2) TALK. To everyone. Every time you hand money or a credit card to someone, have a little chat about nothing in particular. Every time you are standing next to someone staring at a shelf, say something mindless. Yes it will be hard, and yes you will get some funny looks. Maintain the scientist frame.

3) Eye contact and smile. Make it. With everyone. Guys and girls alike. Keep the eye contact until THEY look away. Practice on babies and toddlers, or with sunglasses on. Practice your smile in the mirror until it looks great (hint: look at your eyes).

4) Inner game. Eliminate all negativity from your life (see my other thread). ALL of it. About ANYTHING. You must never think anything negative. Build your confidence up through affirmations.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Falcon said:
More than anything else, what attracts women (and heck, even platonic male friends) is confidence and personality. Looks play a part as well, but confidence and personality will *always* trump them.

I agree completely. Yet perhaps confidence is so important to women because it is a sign of true "quality", and one that is difficult to fake. You need some sort of quality to build your confidence upon don't you? In your case that quality is your intellect I suppose, you ARE confident about that, and you are learning to make use of, and show, a confidence that already exists.
So I really doubt that it can just be learned, as you say. But I do accept the possibility that it might be possible for some people, and your suggestions are indeed good. Thank you for sharing them.


Well-known member
Falcon said:
Great stuff, pitkreet. Falcon says: two thumbs up.
Looks are unimportant to women.

There, I said it. It's a half-truth, of course, because everyone considers looks unimportant on some level, but think about all the cute girls you've seen with ugly guys, or ugly girls with really built guys - it happens, and it happens a lot. The reason is this: CONFIDENCE.

Wow you are dead fucking wrong! Let me give you my theory.

How do you feel when you're talking to someone dumber, uglier, or weaker than you in any other category? You feel like the best person alive!!!! How do you feel around someone better in those categories? Threatened! This is why you see attractive people with unattractive people. The attractive person has the upper hand and feels a whole hell of a lot better about themselves. I can't believe you totally missed this explanation.

Hell, have you ever seen two attractive people of the same sex get along??? Ever think about that?

Lets face it, most girls are shallow(not all). They want what they want and they want it now. They are also way to blind to see potential. Confidence is a very small part. Sure it will probably help you in the first encounter, but once they see you for who you really are, they bail.

And before you go ripping on me for little experience, therefore my opinion doesn't matter, remember that I'm younger than you and probably have the same or maybe more experience.

But, I could be wrong. :)


Well-known member
MrRightNow said:
Wow you are dead fucking wrong! Let me give you my theory.

How do you feel when you're talking to someone dumber, uglier, or weaker than you in any other category? You feel like the best person alive!!!! How do you feel around someone better in those categories? Threatened! This is why you see attractive people with unattractive people. The attractive person has the upper hand and feels a whole hell of a lot better about themselves. I can't believe you totally missed this explanation.
Again, your negativity and lack of self confidence is evidenced by your interpretation of human interactions. Confident people care less about an attractiveness-based social hierarchy than about how interesting or fun a person is. I honestly don't even think about how dumb, ugly or weak a person is when I'm talking to them, at least, not outside of startling cases of disfigurement. I used to, because it allowed me to build confidence, but not any more, because I'm building it in other ways, by focusing on what's good in myself, rather than what's bad in others. Even if I were talking to a really handsome, smart guy, I couldn't care less what he thinks of me, and that confidence is something that would show through in our interaction.

Hell, have you ever seen two attractive people of the same sex get along??? Ever think about that?
Um, yes...quite a bit in fact!?

Lets face it, most girls are shallow(not all). They want what they want and they want it now. They are also way to blind to see potential. Confidence is a very small part. Sure it will probably help you in the first encounter, but once they see you for who you really are, they bail.
You're projecting faults onto others because it allows you to avoid confronting problems in your own life. If you're having problems with girls, it's probably because you haven't distinguished yourself. Some girls get hit on more than 20 times a week. What are you doing to make them think that you're better than the other 19 guys? They aren't shallow, they're reserved, and it's because of necessity. They can't spend the time to get to know so many people. If you don't believe my numbers, walk up to the next cute girl you see and ask her how many times she gets hit on per DAY. Just say you're taking a survey. Guarantee it will be at least 3, probably more like 10.

And before you go ripping on me for little experience, therefore my opinion doesn't matter, remember that I'm younger than you and probably have the same or maybe more experience.

But, I could be wrong. :)
Have I ripped on you yet? I don't think I have, and I'm not about to start. I'm just providing alternative interpretations for your comments. You may indeed be more experienced than I. If you've even had sex once, you're more experienced. Heck, even if you've ever been on a date. I still maintain that your confidence levels are low and negativity levels high. That's not an insult, it's an observation. You can fix it.

Here's a question for you...please answer honestly. If you go up to a girl and start talking to her and she kind of rolls her eyes and walks away, how does that make you feel?


Well-known member
Yes! This is a great step. It's more than I have ever done. If for some reason this doesn't work out then I wish you the courage to do it again and again if necessary.


Well-known member
I agree with Falcon (oh, and thanks for the double thumbs up) although one thing I would say is that I don't think all women look for confidence in a man. Indeed, some are quite attracted to vulnerable men, possibly because they lack self confidence themselves. It's too easy to generalise. Women, just as much as men, are capable of pretty distorted thinking, have wide ranging tastes and varying degrees of screwed up minds. But I do agree that to many, it is generally a very attractive attribute.

But I most certainly do agree that confidence is the single most important factor we should be working on to improve ourselves, not least because we CAN change that. Purge those negative thoughts and turns things around so you believe in yourself.

MrRightNow, whilst you may believe in what you said, do you think that attitude is the healthiest, most effective one to adopt? The world is not all good nor all bad, there's plenty of middle ground. I also think you missed Falcon's point about confidence. It's not about creating a facade of confidence which people will see though after a couple of days. It's about building genuine confidence. It's about starting at the foundations of your personality and building up, bit by bit, genuine reasons to believe in yourself. It's not an overnight mental makeover, it's a long-term concerted effort to eliminate the negative thougts which destroy you and focusing on your good points, working to improve weaknesses, setting goals for what you want in life and working towards them over time.

What Falcon has started doing really impresses me. He has, whilst still a nervous wreck, gone into some of the most intimidating social situations alone and seen it through, despite his terror.

And he has not given up after one night of "success", he has continued to build, slowly but surely. He is now at the stage where he can go into a club/bar alone, approach a table of girls out having fun and start casual conversations, and hold it all together.

I reckon what he has achieved is immensely praiseworthy. I'm quite sure that the vast majority of "normal" people who do NOT have a condition as distressing as SA would not be capable of doing what he has done alone.

I take great inspiration from what he is doing. Whilst he may not have reached the top of the mountain yet, he has certainly scaled some climbs which many people would never attempt and has that summit firmly in his sights.

Falcon, I'm grateful to you for posting here. It's exactly what this site should be about.


Well-known member
jinxed said:
MrRightNow said:
Lets face it, most girls are shallow(not all). They want what they want and they want it now. They are also way to blind to see potential. Confidence is a very small part. Sure it will probably help you in the first encounter, but once they see you for who you really are, they bail.
before we talk about most girls, maybe we should look at most guys, even if you're right, are you better?

Without a doubt. :wink:

Falcon, I'll post a complete response tommorrow along with my results for day 1.


Well-known member
Well I pussied out today. I think it's because every girl I sat by gave me dirty looks. I guess my wallet isn't big enough and I wasn't wearing overpriced designer clothing, cause thats all they really care about. Oh well, tommorrow I shall try again.