I feel like sperm is everywhere. What do i do?

New User

I know there is sperm some places in my house. I'm not just thinking it. It's mine yes. Because after i masturbated and had some on my hands i think i touched everything..and i didn't wash my hands and i was like OMG. i thought i washed them. some friends and family actually touched some stuff i KNEW sperm was on too like when i used this pencil after masturbating. they used it. then touched everything! EVERYTHING. it's not just the pencil too it's a lot of more things. how do i clean this? this has been going on for like a year. i want this all to stop by 2010 so i can finally live my life normal again. i can't clean everything. but i can't just leave it there what do i do. ?if i where able to clean everything 90% of the stress would be gone in my life. my hands are so dry and red from washing. and im so stressed all the time about it. What do i do? How do i clean everything? and what would you do are the main questions here.


Well-known member
I know there is sperm some places in my house. I'm not just thinking it. It's mine yes. Because after i masturbated and had some on my hands i think i touched everything..and i didn't wash my hands and i was like OMG. i thought i washed them. some friends and family actually touched some stuff i KNEW sperm was on too like when i used this pencil after masturbating. they used it. then touched everything! EVERYTHING. it's not just the pencil too it's a lot of more things. how do i clean this? this has been going on for like a year. i want this all to stop by 2010 so i can finally live my life normal again. i can't clean everything. but i can't just leave it there what do i do. ?if i where able to clean everything 90% of the stress would be gone in my life. my hands are so dry and red from washing. and im so stressed all the time about it. What do i do? How do i clean everything? and what would you do are the main questions here.

If you want to live a normal life, then you have to distance yourself from your irrational need for cleanliness. Certainly this is easier said than done, but it should be obvious that you won't solve your problems by cleaning the house.

Apart from that, fecal matter, sperm, bacteria, saliva, and diverse bodily by-products are virtually everywhere. Your focus is on sperm, but you should know that everything is a lot "dirtier" than this natural product of your body - which, by the way, decomposes relatively fast. It is likely that you have remnants of somebody else's sperm already on your body, or your clothes.
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New User

If you want to live a normal life, then you have to distance yourself from your irrational need for cleanliness. Certainly this is easier said than done, but it should be obvious that you won't solve your problems by cleaning the house.

Apart from that, fecal matter, sperm, bacteria, saliva, and diverse bodily by-products are virtually everywhere. Your focus is on sperm, but you should know that everything is a lot "dirtier" than this natural product of your body - which, by the way, decomposes relatively fast. It is likely that you have remnants of somebody else's sperm already on your body, or your clothes.

i think if i cleaned everything i would be fine. just to know that mine isn't there. if other peoples sperm is on me or my stuff. from before. it's whatever i can't fix it. but to just know its there and when i touch it im just like damn it and go wash my hands. plus. what if someone touches it and gets someone pregnant with my sperm. (that might've been where this all branched from). and when other people touch it im like my sperm is on them omg. then i usually try not to get touched. and if they do touch me. i usually wash whatever they touched. but this one dude like rarley showers (gross i know) and also never washes his hands and touched his laptop after he touched my sperm so i feel everyday he uses it he is touching my sperm, then touches the stuff in his house and mine. so it spreads. but when he comes over and touches everything again idk what im going to do. maybe your right. maybe i just need to like not care that it's there? but do i just leave it there even though i KNOW its there and just touch it like theres nothing on it to worry about like usual? just normally grabbing it like nothing without washing my hands? what if theres a lot?
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Well-known member
i think if i cleaned everything i would be fine. just to know that mine isn't there. if other peoples sperm is on me or my stuff. from before. it's whatever i can't fix it. but to just know its there and when i touch it im just like damn it and go wash my hands. plus. what if someone touches it and gets someone pregnant with my sperm. (that might;ve been where this all branched from). and when other people touch it im like my sperm is on them omg. then i usually try not to get touched. and if they do touch me. i usually wash whatever they touched. but this one dude like rarley showers (gross i know) and also never washes his hands and touched his laptop after he touched my sperm so i feel everyday he uses it he is touching my sperm, then touches the stuff in his house and mine. so it spreads. but when he comes over and touches everything again idk what im going to do. maybe your right. maybe i just need to like not care that it's there? but do i just leave it there even though i KNOW its there and just touch it like theres nothing on it to worry about like usual? just normally grabbing it like nothing without washing my hands?

Heh, I can assure you that nobody will get pregnant. This conversation goes nowhere, since the amount of irrationality that you display is beyond limits. Please read your posts again to see that all your worries are immaterial.

New User

and i can't seek help right now.. so what should i do. will i go crazy or something from this? i have other little ocd problems too.. i think. i mean ive never been tested for ocd.

New User

but someone answer me. even though i know its there should i just leave it there? and touch it like normal? or clean it. i wanna clean everything but obviously can't.


but someone answer me. even though i know its there should i just leave it there? and touch it like normal? or clean it. i wanna clean everything but obviously can't.

Buy a self help book on OCD and its treatment, I would suggest one but Ive never used one myself for OCD.


Well-known member
How do you clean everything? Simple: you don't clean anything, because there's nothing to clean.

Something is only dirty if you can see it's dirty, if it smells, if it's sticky, or whatever... Otherwise there's nothing to clean. Sperm doesn't contain anything invisible that is dangerous. Sperm cells die after a few minutes anyway... It's as harmless as milk.

If you can't convince yourself with these good reasons, then go look for serious help, because unfortunately no one here will be able to help you more than this... You need to believe sperm is harmless.


Well-known member
Besides the fact that once sperm is outside the body, unless it's at body temperature it usually dies after a couple hours. There really is nothing to worry about. If you're bit grossed out by the fact that your family is touching something you've touched after masturbation you might want to keep it in one room, like the bathroom. And disinfect your hands after you're done.
I can relate. I don't even like carrying my linens through the kitchen to reach the laundry. Sure, I don't let them brush against anything there, but it is difficult not to imagine things falling out of them -- and reasonable to suppose molecules might. Of course this does not [it]hurt[/it] anyone, so I can either waste time moping the floor or just grin and bear it and daydream of being so rich I can design a house in which the kitchen does not lie between the laundry and the bedrooms.

Steve Smith

I have the same problem with you in that you can transfer "dirty" stuff from place to place. I am always worried about touching certain things and that germs are still there. The bottom line is that, "yes, it's technically possible that germs (or sperm in your case) are on certain objects and may get transferred from person to person or object to object, ect". So to be really really safe you wash your hands every time you touch some object or thing that you think has this sperm/germs on it, right? So yes, technically that is rational. Consider this though- every time you eat something it could have some harmful bacteria in it that could kill you. You aren't going to stop eating though are you? Why not, technically that would be the rationale and safest thing to do, right? Just like washing your hands all the time and worrying about transferring stuff....See every OCD person fixates on certain crazy things, but the bottom line is there is no way to keep up with all these crazy things with rituals and sort. Technically and rationally that's right, huh? Just realize everybody is normal and dirty like you! It's hard to do, I can't do it yet, but I'm getting better! Hope this helps and makes sense. It's hard to explain OCD stuff over a forum, first time here!