I don't like anyone...


Active member
I've realized that I'm unable to like people. I don't know exactly why, but generally I'm just unable to see nice in people, and if I do I don't think its genuine, because I feel like everyone's laughing at me. I really only have 1 friend, but I don't even feel relaxed or comfortable around him. I think he laughs at me & slags me off to his other mates behind my back, because I know I sometimes come out with weird stuff, or come across nervous & jittery towards people, or once in a while I'll talk too much then beat myself up about it when no-one listens.

He's been seeing a lot of his other mates & girlfriend, one of his mates he used to be best mates with, & I was also good mates with, but I went round there the other day & had nothing to say because I haven;t seen him in so long. This other mate pissed off with my mate for about an hour leaving me in a flat on my own with his mum, neither of them cared, & I just think everyone sees me as a complete mug, like they can fob me off and f**k me around & I won't be bothered.

I wish I could just stay at home away from everyone, but when I'm alone for too long I get depressed & start going over all the embarassing things I've done or said in the past, or stuff I regret & start feeling really guilty about it, making me more depressed & sometimes quite sick.


Well-known member
im the same im very wary of people now... i think its the defence mechanism kicking in because we get mentally attacked by people so much im more comfortable going out on my own but i do have a couple of good friends but am never really at ease around them.Ienjoy my own company now and am getting more used to it.Good Luck


Well-known member
I hate it when people, even in the supermarket, feel uncomfortable around me. I don't know what message my facial expression conveys that scares them so much. But I really hate it when people don't feel at ease around me. As soon as that happens my anxiety becomes unbearable. Can anybody relate to this??


Well-known member
i don't know what message my face convey as well.i always seems unhappy to others because i'm not happy myself and it seems like i can't communicate very well.i don't know what to said sometimes when my friend phone me and i don't phone her back.it's always her that phone me.and i'm uncomfortable in public as well.it's like peoples i konw is watching me. :roll:


Well-known member
Today I spoke with a girl in the supermarket. I've known her since childhood. We went to school together when we were kids. We are both over 30 now :) I was very surprised to see her. She is such a friendly person, and also beautiful. I was uncomfortable, but managed to answer her questions, although with difficulty...

I don't even know why she came and spoke to me, since I was nervous as usual. Surprisingly, she told me that she also had psychological problems. Usually we think that very attractive people don't deal with such things, but apparently they are also human. She told me she is very sensitive/emotional and has difficulty dealing with life. I was very very surprised that someone like her could experience such issues to such an extent.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
Today I spoke with a girl in the supermarket. I've known her since childhood. We went to school together when we were kids. We are both over 30 now :) I was very surprised to see her. She is such a friendly person, and also beautiful. I was uncomfortable, but managed to answer her questions, although with difficulty...

I don't even know why she came and spoke to me, since I was nervous as usual. Surprisingly, she told me that she also had psychological problems. Usually we think that very attractive people don't deal with such things, but apparently they are also human. She told me she is very sensitive/emotional and has difficulty dealing with life. I was very very surprised that someone like her could experience such issues to such an extent.

Good for you. Did you get her number or email or anything? Are the two of you going to talk to each other again?


Well-known member
Dave_McFadden said:
Good for you. Did you get her number or email or anything? Are the two of you going to talk to each other again?
Are you kidding me :lol: It is obvious that you don't know me. I'd rather die than ask a girl for her number or anything like that. You shouldn't underestimate my self-hatred, complete lack of confidence, extreme shyness and social phobia.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
Dave_McFadden said:
Good for you. Did you get her number or email or anything? Are the two of you going to talk to each other again?
Are you kidding me :lol: It is obvious that you don't know me. I'd rather die than ask a girl for her number or anything like that. You shouldn't underestimate my self-hatred, complete lack of confidence, extreme shyness and social phobia.

Well, it doesn't have to be for a date or anything. You could continue your conversation about your common problems. From your earlier posts, and this recent one, it sounds like she's dealing with some of the same issues as you. If anyone would understand, she would. So if nothing else, she might have some valuable insights.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
I hate it when people, even in the supermarket, feel uncomfortable around me. I don't know what message my facial expression conveys that scares them so much. But I really hate it when people don't feel at ease around me. As soon as that happens my anxiety becomes unbearable. Can anybody relate to this??

Yes i can relate. I'm sure that people are uncomfortable with me because i get this serious look on my face and i know that they probably think i am really unfriendly.


Well-known member
Its tough I tend to find most people annoying in person, but then i wonder are they really that annoying or is it just my anxiety around them making them seem more annoying.


New member
I think it's easier to hate or dislike someone when you have SA. I am extremely judgmental and invariably look for faults rather than the good in a person. I also feel much more confortable when I am alone. This is a huge problem because I am married with two daughters. I think Mickey Rourke summed it up pretty well in the movie "Barfly" when he said, "It's not that I don't like people, I just feel better when they're not around".


Well-known member
I find it really hard to like people too, I just don't trust them, I always have this fear people are talking behind my back. Plus if I get to know someone I usually get annoyed at them for one reason or another, for their personality or political beliefs or something. That's why I usually stay away from people cause If I don't know them very well I can't hate them for something.
i cant like anyone i come across

I thought i was the only one who felt like they didnt like anyone at all, i think im a very genuine nice person and i feel like when i talk or see someone i can always pick up the evil in them and i dont see any niceness so it discourages me from speaking, i just get so uninterested in many people i block out possible friendship because i know once they see im uncomfortable they'll judge me and it wont work out anyone...this world only accepts outgoing friendly people and when ur not like that they outcast you, no matter even how good you look...this is one of the main reasons im so bitter that i cant like anyone


Well-known member
I have the same problem, it stems from the fact that i probably don't know how to deal well with people.

as a rule, people like who makes them feel good about themselves, being funny, educated, have an amazing smile,......etc

if you don't know how to make people feel good around you, the probably won't like you that much.

the good news is that it's workable! how you deal with people will improve dramatically as your experience grows, and as you read more about friends, people and relationships.

normal people might find it awkward or silly to read about this stuff, since it comes naturally to them, but never care.


I think I'll often dislike people because I think they dislike people... which is often due to my anxiety. I try to dislike them first so I wont be hurt by their rejection. It causes alot of problems with creating friendships.

Also I have a hard time letting past arguments go. If I argue with someone once I feel like there is no way they could ever like me again. Usually I can never rebuild trust in our relationship as friends again.


Active member
I'm quite a loner. It's not like I really hate people or feel awkward around them, but I get tired of them soon enough. After I am around people for maybe a couple of hours, I really begin to dislike them and I only wish to drive or walk away to recover my missed solitude. It's not like people are uncomfortable around me either, but I often feel like they are more friendly with one another than with me. Whenever I join a group of some kind, I always feel like an outsider, even more so than other guys that happen to join after me.


Well-known member
I don't hate people..It's the fact i don't know how to interact with people that i hate. I get so tired in the company of other people because i am constantly thinking of things to say.