I don't like anyone...


Well-known member
i dont know why u all blame evrything on other people to be honest. you need to face it that if u dont like people, people sense that and thats why the feel uneasy around you, not because there cunts and wanna make u feel paranoid. generally, everyone walking down the street, inn the eyes of a person if a blank canvas....which is there for people to paint there opinions of you on. its you that gives them the ideas of what to paint on there.

its hard when you feel so much hostitility towards others, merely because u want them to like you so much, but have no way to express that and give them the chance, but u must see the people the way u wanna be seen. and im sure that is just another guy/girl just trying to get along in life.


Well-known member
I just told my mom this the other day. My words exactly "I don't like anyone. Everyone annoys me."

I know why this is, though. It's not them. It's me.

On a day to day basis, I tend to hate myself. I hate blushing when someone says "Hi". I hate not living up to my potential! I hate giving off the wrong impression. And I think that's why people with SA feel animosity and "hatred" towards others. It's not them, though. It's our perception and dissatisfaction with ourselves that we are feeling hatred towards. But, that hatred is misguided. I know this because, deep down, I know that I am an awesome person! I really do! I just have a hard time bringing this knowledge to life and making it my reality (And remembering it everyday!) I think that most- actually, ALL- of the people on this site know this same truth about themselves. Deep down inside maybe, but we all know. Because it is the same & it is true for all of us.

I watched this movie once (can't recall what movie) but this girl is going to her first day of class at a new school and she's nervous and worried over what the other kids will think of her & if they'll like her. And her mother says to her "Remember, you will never met anyone you like as much as you like yourself".

Well, that isn't an exact quote but the idea is right. If we can figure out how to like ourselves we will naturally & without effort find ourselves liking others.
I feel almost the same exact way, i think i have a dislike for people because everyone is out having soo much fun in the world, and im stuck here, lonely and angry.


Re: i cant like anyone i come across

KeepItPoetic said:
I thought i was the only one who felt like they didnt like anyone at all, i think im a very genuine nice person and i feel like when i talk or see someone i can always pick up the evil in them and i dont see any niceness so it discourages me from speaking, i just get so uninterested in many people i block out possible friendship because i know once they see im uncomfortable they'll judge me and it wont work out anyone...this world only accepts outgoing friendly people and when ur not like that they outcast you, NO MATTER EVEN HOW GOOD YOU LOOK...this is one of the main reasons im so bitter that i cant like anyone

Hmm, i dont know.. People that "look good" seem to have it easy in life.


Well-known member
^ in regards to other peoples perception of that person yeh it can be easier but good looking people still have to battle their own mind and anxieties, so they may not think they are ...

certainly a girl that is gorgeous is far more likely to get a waitress job then an ordinary looking girl in a competition interview as ive seen it happen at my last job in a restaurant, it sucks but its how the industry works in alot of jobs, but thats generalising a little ...

it can be the same with men too, macho looking guys can go through life with more ease then a skinny guy or a nerdy looking guy ..and that goes for first impressions at parties, who will most girls look at first? the macho guy of course ... the skinny one has to work twice as hard with his own personality and sense of humour ..

life throws spanners at you from all angles in some instances .


New member
I hate people too and I think that every body is a great great shit but I just try to accept them the way they are, I don't lie myself saying that everybody's nice but can't see it because my social phobia doesn¡t allowe me to see it.