I Can't Stand It Anymore

I am sick of it all. Why should I even continue? Why? Why? No point to my life at all. Nothing. I am 30 years old and a virgin with no job still living with my useless parents. An nothing will ever change for the better. Never ever ever ever. Every single night I wish I would go to sleep and never wake up. I hate this stupid world and everything in it. :veryangry::veryangry:


Well-known member
Aww man. :sad: Sorry you feel this way dude .. Do you have friends u can visit ? If u can find a job maybe you can meet new people ?


Well-known member
I'm sorry, don't know what else to say just hang on, I'm sure you'll find a job soon. It will change. Maybe its just taking more time than you expected.


Well-known member
I feel exactly like you on most days, but there is always hope for us to learn a new skill or to finally meet someone or have an adventure that makes it all worth it. Most inpatient places I've been in have treated me like a criminal, but I just tried a 3-week outpatient "partial hospitalization" that is still helping me. Please hang in there and just come here and spout it all out. I really have been there and could be again five minutes from now. Hope this doesn't sound like a sermon or something.


Well-known member
Feeling hopeless really, really sucks. I know exactly how you feel as I am in a similar situation. Maybe you can try a temp agency if all your job searching has been fruitless. I sometimes think nothing will change either, but I find lying to myself about it getting better helps. I hope things get better for you soon.


Well-known member
I think you need to find a purpose for living, find a point to your life. After that, hopefully friendships, job, and everything else will fall into place. Do you have a passion, or goals you want to achieve? Maybe start by taking some time off to reflect on those. Religion is not for everybody but it does help some people. Try exploring meditation, qigong, yoga, prayer, whatever interests you.
Yes a purpose for living. That's the thing you need to find. I know how hard it is, when you think your purposes are very hard to get. I feel the same. So we need to take action. So scary. But it will be worth it.