I can't look at girls


Well-known member
Regarding the OP, you are not alone. ::(:

An upgrade to our local busses means they installed seat where you can watch each other. There are even smaller ones on which there are only two rows, and you sit directly 1 to 1. When a person seats on the opposite site on me, especially if it' s the girl, even a ride becomes a suffering. Yesterday I suffered the worst, I don't know if it was the panic attack or what.

I was waiting the bus to head home and when in line to get in, i accidentally touched the girl behind me with my bag. I don't know this girl, but I've seen her third time this day, so I become anxious (as always when even being near the opposite sex). Luckily, I found an empty seat at the window so I could relax a little by being alone. Sweating, pretty much red in the face, hard breathing, all stopped, I thought when we stopped at the penultimate station.

To my horror, the worst actually began as the two young girls sat just on the opposite seats. "Do not think about it... Your body is calm. Your face is cold, your face is cold..." Nope, it doesen't help. I have never been to sauna, but at least I could imagine it. My "problems-when-facing-a-girl-next-to-me" multiplied by 10. I tried to not hear their conversation, but:

A: Let's sit here.
B: Nah, I hate to seat on the reverse side.
A: You can listen to music. I already know what to do, I'll read.
B: Ok.

So the two stopped talking which turned things worse. I actually did not see what they were doing. If there are looking ahead, there is a chance, they will see me. Of course, they will see me, but what EXACTLY they will see? Which colour of my rich range of rainbow faces will see? Will they see me suffering? My choices. On the left I had the window, the safest place to look. I could not look too much left, otherwise I would see the fried face of a man in the mirror. Come bus, hurry, up, and NO, not another red light! To look straight ahead was a forbidden zone, and the right side looked unnatural. One of the girls accidentally touched my leg with her foot (the lack of space); another "strike". Why me? What did I do to the social phobia, shyness, panic attack gods, to do this to me?

So when the worst 5 minutes of my ride ended, I stood up to go out-only to see the previous girl I tried to avoid-to go also out. Luckily I was last. Tired and exhausted like running on marathon.

Who says the SF sufferes don't have an exciting life? (sarcastic)
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Well-known member
i have a hard time NOT looking at women

the problem is when i look at them and i notice that they're looking at me

then i become self conscious

and that's when the anxiety kicks in

as long as i can forget about myself, i'm fine

so the trick is to turn the experience into being about HER

even if it's only in my own mind

the less i think about myself the better

I'm too scared to look, too scared to talk. I have had a lifetime of experience that my looking at, that my talking to the opposite sex is unwelcomed. So I try to avoid this at all costs. It stirs such uncomforable and unpleasant feelings, it makes me physically sick even thinking about it.

This lifetime of experience has left me with a paralysing fear of talking to anyone. These negative experiences have led directly to the developement of my anxiety. Now if I try to talk to people my anxiety is very obvious, and people are either offended or threatened by it.


Well-known member
Looking at girls has never been a problem, if they are really attractive I have a problem not to stare at them. But that's as far as it goes, I look but don't touch. XD


Well-known member
Regarding the OP, you are not alone. ::(:

An upgrade to our local busses means they installed seat where you can watch each other. There are even smaller ones on which there are only two rows, and you sit directly 1 to 1. When a person seats on the opposite site on me, especially if it' s the girl, even a ride becomes a suffering. Yesterday I suffered the worst, I don't know if it was the panic attack or what.

I was waiting the bus to head home and when in line to get in, i accidentally touched the girl behind me with my bag. I don't know this girl, but I've seen her third time this day, so I become anxious (as always when even being near the opposite sex). Luckily, I found an empty seat at the window so I could relax a little by being alone. Sweating, pretty much red in the face, hard breathing, all stopped, I thought when we stopped at the penultimate station.

To my horror, the worst actually began as the two young girls sat just on the opposite seats. "Do not think about it... Your body is calm. Your face is cold, your face is cold..." Nope, it doesen't help. I have never been to sauna, but at least I could imagine it. My "problems-when-facing-a-girl-next-to-me" multiplied by 10. I tried to not hear their conversation, but:

A: Let's sit here.
B: Nah, I hate to seat on the reverse side.
A: You can listen to music. I already know what to do, I'll read.
B: Ok.

So the two stopped talking which turned things worse. I actually did not see what they were doing. If there are looking ahead, there is a chance, they will see me. Of course, they will see me, but what EXACTLY they will see? Which colour of my rich range of rainbow faces will see? Will they see me suffering? My choices. On the left I had the window, the safest place to look. I could not look too much left, otherwise I would see the fried face of a man in the mirror. Come bus, hurry, up, and NO, not another red light! To look straight ahead was a forbidden zone, and the right side looked unnatural. One of the girls accidentally touched my leg with her foot (the lack of space); another "strike". Why me? What did I do to the social phobia, shyness, panic attack gods, to do this to me?

So when the worst 5 minutes of my ride ended, I stood up to go out-only to see the previous girl I tried to avoid-to go also out. Luckily I was last. Tired and exausted like running on marathon.

Who says the SF sufferes don't have an exciting life? (sarcastic)

Yeah I know exactly how it feels ...but to be honest that's what you get if you are not careful haha...
You should have a strict protocol like me when taking the buss:D...the first rule is NEVER sit on those face to face seats::p: and I could tell you all the rules but it will take to long haha


Well-known member

tell the girl you notice staring at you next time, "Hi!" with a clear voice so even others can notice. Then tell them about your problem, and ask what they think about it.

Embarrassing yourself voluntarily is in my opinion a great contributor to getting over SA.

Tell me about the results later ;)


Well-known member
Yeah I know exactly how it feels ...but to be honest that's what you get if you are not careful haha...
You should have a strict protocol like me when taking the buss:D...the first rule is NEVER sit on those face to face seats::p: and I could tell you all the rules but it will take to long haha

Why not? ;) Infact, I thought of drawing a map of all the local busses and marking the seats according to their critical positions. Like Seat Guru has it for planes. My seat from yesterday changed to red if a girl is on the opposite side. Previously it was on yellow-orange.

@hidwell: you could borrow us some courage of staring at girls...
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Well-known member
Yeah, I get this, too. Despite my anxiety around women, I know a good-looking one when I see one. As long as she's not looking at me, it's okay. :)

ha, yea very true for me too. I got it again today, I've seen this cute girl working in a store and I always end up doing the wrong thing. usually avoid eye contact but just admire a girl from afar. I tried to be a bit more brave today though and looked at her when she was looking my direction.
she looked my way and I think because I wasn't smiling she averted her gaze,it looked almost like she rolled her eyes ::(:
there's just too much stuff for me to remember ,I always get something wrong!


Well-known member
I used to be very bad at sitting near people, but it has become much better through the years. These days I can sit down next to anyone, as long as they ignore me.

Any probability that a woman will stare at me is zero.


Well-known member
Yeah I know exactly how it feels ...but to be honest that's what you get if you are not careful haha...
You should have a strict protocol like me when taking the buss:D...the first rule is NEVER sit on those face to face seats::p: and I could tell you all the rules but it will take to long haha

i'd like to hear them :)


Well-known member
To add a little lightness to this thread.....this thread is a good example of why i hate public transportation.


Well-known member
nah man, im like that as well...

whats also difficult if im walking one direction and come close to a girl whose silhouette looks attractive i have to work extra hard to act natural lol

yep, i have the same problem, but sometimes i know they are interested in me and smile at me, but because of the fact that I'm so inexperienced/ i nearly going nuts. Ofcourse after i walk away I regret what i just did and feel guilty for days how i have been a pu ssy again.

i can't really look at anyone. i have tunnel vision when i'm out in public, pretty much. ::eek::

Oh yea. This stuff couldn't sound more familiar.
But I really see no people like this in public. I guess they prefer to stay at home. Or teleport to work. That's the problem some of us are forced to use public transportation.


Well-known member
You should have a strict protocol like me when taking the buss:D...the first rule is NEVER sit on those face to face seats

Same protocol here :D. It has become a habit for me to, as soon as I enter, find a place most suitable for not looking at anyone. I haven't been in the face-to-face-seats part in a looong time.


I don't have a problem with looking girls at all. I used to, but what helped me get over that is the thought that everyone looks at everyone. That's just what humans do. There's nothing weird about it. When people are in public they look at one another. So one day I just thought, fine, I'll look at you too. And after that, I haven't had much of a problem with it. Just keep telling yourself it's not a big deal until you're actually comfortable doing it.


Well-known member
I have the same problem and A girl may look at me. I dont know if it happens often but I cant smile or talk back. They think I have a attitude cause I have a straight face. And its always at the wrong time


Well-known member
I just can't look at anyone at all =/ like when ever I am walking somewhere and someone is wlaking towards me I look down all the time, I just can never look at one, I get paronoid that they'll think I am looking at them or something which they probably won't