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I am a creep for particular reasons. I give others that awkward vibe when I speak to them, but whatever comes out of my mouth gives the response of an awkward smiled facial expression. My body language doesn't help me either and sends another awkward rush down other people's spines. I feel like I am on of those creeps from some horror flick hiding myself in the shadows and attack my prey. Any humor, conversation i have is considered to be weird and mysterious that defines myself and aura. I feel like I am Christina Ricci in that movie Prozac Nation. What I can recall one quote that I think most people would feel as if they were:
"I didn't fit in with most kids in school. They thought I was strange, so they made me feel like a stranger."
The quotes sums up the rest of my life. I'm a stranger with some sort of altered personality disorder. It's frightening, knowing that I can't escape the restriction of darkness that binds me. I actually feel sorry for the norm groups. They only just want to live by their rules and expectations on things. No one can ever be themselves. I can't stop thinking of what other people will think of me. Being judged by such harsh remarks and degrading put down of insults continues to grow my pain and drown my happiness. I don't like myself, I wish I was never me. I wish I wasn't even my own gender race. I hate how most girls are today too. No one I can relate to. No one who loves me. No one who will stop talking sh*t to me and start treating me with goodness and compassion. No one to hug me. No one to tell me it's ok. None of these things to offer, but I guess the lucky people have the greater fortune to make it through their journeys. Maybe, soon as I develop with time, it'll grow on me. I can't say whether that can be good or bad. I can't feel anything right now. I don't know whether I should feel sad, angry, happy, confused, or anything. I am a new person each day. I'm a new person within the time passing by. There's no character about me because I don't have the characteristics of that being defined as me. I even think I've become a stranger to myself. I don't know who I want to be(or at least people want me to be) I could just be like quasimodo and hide from society forever, this notre dame world we actually live in I suppose. So that's all i had to say. To others out there, don't be how I am. I never had a great child hood, I never had a great family of support to help me. I am changing too much as I grow up, I could be on the danger sign of a multiple personality disorder. I hope this is just my depression talking phase, but then again, I could be right about the rest. :
"I didn't fit in with most kids in school. They thought I was strange, so they made me feel like a stranger."
The quotes sums up the rest of my life. I'm a stranger with some sort of altered personality disorder. It's frightening, knowing that I can't escape the restriction of darkness that binds me. I actually feel sorry for the norm groups. They only just want to live by their rules and expectations on things. No one can ever be themselves. I can't stop thinking of what other people will think of me. Being judged by such harsh remarks and degrading put down of insults continues to grow my pain and drown my happiness. I don't like myself, I wish I was never me. I wish I wasn't even my own gender race. I hate how most girls are today too. No one I can relate to. No one who loves me. No one who will stop talking sh*t to me and start treating me with goodness and compassion. No one to hug me. No one to tell me it's ok. None of these things to offer, but I guess the lucky people have the greater fortune to make it through their journeys. Maybe, soon as I develop with time, it'll grow on me. I can't say whether that can be good or bad. I can't feel anything right now. I don't know whether I should feel sad, angry, happy, confused, or anything. I am a new person each day. I'm a new person within the time passing by. There's no character about me because I don't have the characteristics of that being defined as me. I even think I've become a stranger to myself. I don't know who I want to be(or at least people want me to be) I could just be like quasimodo and hide from society forever, this notre dame world we actually live in I suppose. So that's all i had to say. To others out there, don't be how I am. I never had a great child hood, I never had a great family of support to help me. I am changing too much as I grow up, I could be on the danger sign of a multiple personality disorder. I hope this is just my depression talking phase, but then again, I could be right about the rest. :
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