Hi Pinker,
I have been suffering since I was 6 years old and my 1st grade teacher sent a note home about my hands. Telling my parents that she was tired of my soaked papers and such!!! After talking with them, she decided to have them send a washcloth for me to put my hands on. Palm up on the washcloth to “dry them out”. That was a nightmare! After that I was the freak in school. At the Dr. my Mom was told that I had “overactive sweat glands and could be given a pill that would solve the problem”, but would dry out my mouth and everything else….She said no. Third grade I had a teacher who sent an Aloe Vera plant home with me on the bus (endless teasing) so my mom could plant it and rub it on my hands. My Teacher thought that this would stop the wetness. I then was called a “freak with frog hands” and the kids threw rocks at me on the play ground the rest of the school year! I very quickly learned that it did no good to let anyone see or know about my problem. So, I would hide it at any cost. By 14, my underarms would look like a gallon of water was poured on them. Then under stress my face and now the rest of me. I live where it gets to over 100 in the summer, its worse then!! My Mom has always been a little sweaty. My younger sister has wet hands. Now my children have wet hands. I fear for my children. Is HH passed down through family members? I don’t want my kids to have my same problems. I have quite jobs due to this, I don’t go very many places because of it, and if I weren’t married then I don’t know what I would do for money. I can’t handle all of the problems that come with working and trying to stay dry and not smell so others don’t treat me like the kids in school. I have been on the anxiety med Atarax and Buspur (even through pregnancy) and I was just sleepy and still sweaty!! My husband is very kind about it all, but thinks that it’s because I’m over weight. If the girl at my bank asks me if I am okay one more time while I’m standing there dripping, I’ll scream! I am ready to just dig a hole and crawl in it!! I can’t get over being tortured my whole life and admit to anyone what is going on with me, I’m scared! If I don’t do something, anything, what kind of life is this? Not the one I wanted. I want to be “normal”, is that too much to ask?
I found this site and you trying to help people and I have some hope now!! I want to try the Avert. I want an end to this not just treatment to the symptoms. Do I have to go to the Dr. to get it?
Please help,
Texas, US
P.S. You’re helping people and not many can say that about themselves, Good Job!!! Sorry, so long a post.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. :lol: