how was your day


Well-known member
was it good bad boring exciting , did you go out ? stay in ? go to work ? i got up went to work , then came home went to the pub for dinner now im on here , soooooooo exciting isnt it :rolleyes:


i went to work but i didnt finish untill 7, normally i finish at 5 but whenever were busy my boss just keeps us workin (well she asks us) and today we had like 15 girls come in at 4.10 they didnt leave till 6.30
now im having some tea and then a nice long shower


New member
Started off okay, but now I'm just overwhelmed and irritable. And then my roommates decided to invite one of their friends over, so now there's three people with no voice modulation in the living room. I'm trying really hard not to burst into tears. I think they're about to leave, anyway.

ETA: They left. I feel better already, haha.


Well-known member
Had an appointment at CNMC today... about to cut off the bracelet they put on you. Other than that... depressed as always.


Well-known member
Didn't start out so great but after going for a long run in the afternoon I started to feel really good. I feel happy right now and I don't even really know why. ::eek:: Nothing specific happened. I doubt this will last, but after having spent so many nights and weekends being sad and depressed lately this is really nice. :)


I hate to add to the negativity but my day sucked ass kind of. I've been trying to progress with my CBT training and I've had a great day every single day so far this week until the 2nd half of today when I went out to lunch and for some reason I relapsed pretty bad. My co-worker started getting uber-freaked out by me I assume even though I wasn't doing anything and it made me extremely self-conscious and that pretty much set me off for the rest of the day. My fear level shot through the roof although I didn't feel all the much anxiety I don't think. I couldn't focus on anything at all.


Well-known member
It was a so-so day. I did some cleaning, made some cookies...nothing special, still have to do some more cleaning though.


Well-known member
My day was ok, it was a bit boring to begin with but i kept myself busy so that passed the time until my bf got here hehe


Super Moderator
It was boring as usual. Same activities, nothing to do outside, feeling tired as usual, having insane thoughts. Everything is the same. It feels as if the same day is re-playing over and over again like a video... Pathetic...