How To Love Yourself


Well-known member
In the evening when you're tired, turn off the computer, tuck yourself into bed with a good book, maybe put the blankets in the dryer for a few minutes before

When you wake up, step outside onto your front porch and just feel the cool air in your lungs, put extra sugar in your coffee, or maybe less than usual

When you're stressed, lay down on your bed with relaxing music playing, light a scented candle and let yourself breathe

If you're walking down the street but you really feel like running, don't stop yourself

In the evening when you're hungry, instead of getting up to grab some sandwhich make a meal just for you, have it be just what you want, hot or cold or displayed as a funny face

When you're sick, let yourself sleep all day, make yourself exactly what you know will have you feel so much better, hug a teddy bear!

Give yourself permission to ask the simplest or most complex of questions all of the time

See the world in a different way, in every colour, shape and sound

You don't have to answer the phone this time (unless you really have to)

Or don't! If that sounds lame, or you don't want to. But listen and really give yourself what you want in every way.

I'm not trying to be poetic or anything. But listen to your child and deepen your every experience with so much comfort and care that the child in you has a full belly of love, and that everything you do for your innocent self sends grateful loving back to you

The only way to love yourself is to feel loved by yourself

P.S Add to the list :3
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Well-known member
Encourage myself "Keep it going old fella," I say. "Well done old mate." I really am my best friend.

Tune into my thoughts, the good ones, there are more coming though than I realise. There is a wisdom there that suprises me.


Well-known member
Eat well - That doesn't mean you should eat alot, but eat food that is good for you and you can enjoy.

Enjoy your food - Take the time to taste and savor your meals; don't just wolf down food like a ravenous dog.

Treasure your body- your body is your greatest tool, so be kind to it. Cherish your firsts as much as your lasts and don't do things 'just because everyone else is doing it'.


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Well-known member
you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart, never really had luck, couldn't never figure out how to love, how to loooo-oove!

jk :D but that's a good song. i like to give myself a big hug every once in a while, and tell myself that whatever i'm feeling is ok, i just say i love you, i love you, i love you to myself like i'm saying it to a child and with the same feelings behind the words, it gives me some nice pleasure chemicals ;)


Well-known member
*Forgive yourself. You are human. There is beauty in imperfection.
*Do at least one thing everyday that makes you smile or at least brings you some sense of solace.
*Remember you are here for a reason otherwise you would cease to exist.
*Try your best to forgive others(this one is very hard for me) What they did was not ok, but holding onto anger and hate only hurts us more. Free yourself and take back your life.....