how to get rid of attachments


Well-known member
do something on your own as well.. hobbies, keep ur life moving.. break the habit of revolving ur life around him.. try a little each day, its hard at first but sooner or later it all adds up.


Well-known member
smoke cannabis. I'm not trying to be funny. It has helped me reach a zen state of mind where I don't need anyone or anything. Whatever happens to me, I'll just keep floating until my final breath.
I agree with the dyingtolive's hobbies suggestion.
Find something that really ignites your interest and therefore can take your mind elsewhere, instead of in the desire to always be around your boyfriend.
You say you don't want to lose him, but becareful you don't smother him with your company as this may have a negative effect.


Well-known member
Create your own life and care about it. That's the important part. Care about it so much, you're passionate and when he goes away you feel a certain "hurrah!" feeling because you're free to work on your stuff. But don't let it replace your relationships, either. A life without relationships of any kind is incomplete.


Well-known member
Yeah, I agree with what others said: find interesting things you've always wanted to do and find people who maybe also like this too.. What have you always wanted to do or thought might be interesting?

If you have many interesting things and people in your life, just one won't be so important, hence less attachment..

Also, sometimes it can help to think of other people's flaws, so we understand they're not so perfect..
(My mum says about my Dad, 'Who's gonna want you?' lol)

What can also help: write BAD angry country songs about it or short stories or even a novel if you're up for it? :)

Prince Charles cheated on Diana with a definitely less beautiful girl, so looks are definitely NOT always a factor... It takes a lot of other things that are important in a relationship...

You don't wanna be too much of a doormat too, agreeing with everything and anything just so he wouldn't leave you is bad too.. (One guy said to me, 'If a gf agrees with everything I'm gonna cheat on her!' - huh?) He said there must be some disagreement so there's 'passion' (you probably don't wanna overdo it though, also guys' preferences can be different..)

Basically you wanna work on your confidence: what are you good at? What are your successes so far? etc. Maybe even have '5 things that went well today' or '5 things I did well' or such daily reminder..?

Oh, and stay away from canabbis. Some people have had very WEIRD experience with it, long-term usage can induce psychosis or other problems, some people can get psychologically/emotionally or more addicted, some can go to harder drugs then.. (I've known some people personally who had problems with it.. Also check online, there's lots of info out there)
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