How often do you talk to yourself?


Hey all, I am curious to know how often, if at all, you talk to yourself. I talk to myself all most non stop, and not just thinking out loud but full conversations all the time. I talk to myself in the same manner that most people would with there best friends, and I think to an extent I almost feel as if I am talking to someone else. I have always wondered if other people talk to themselves on this level or not. If you do talk to yourself how often do you do it? And what do you talk about?


Well-known member
I talk to myself everyday. Sometimes I have internal monologues in my head, but many times I just vocalize my thoughts out loud. For example, if I see something shocking on the news, I would say "OMG! That is so bizarre. I can't believe..." And sometimes, I do pep talks like coach myself to stop being scared and just do it. Other times, my conversations are longer, lasting 30 minutes - 1 hour. I self-talk to release emotions and thoughts that I just want to get out.

Note: I do this at home for the most part because talking to myself in public will earn me crazy looks. But if I absolutely have to talk to myself in public, I will use a cell phone and pretend to call someone.