I know this is a very long one but please just bear with it as this is something I've really needed to vent out ever since it happened...
Anyway, I've been bullied pretty much all my life, to the point where it doesn't even bother me anymore because I'm so used to being different.
I got the worst of it in middle school during the 7th grade. We had very narrow hallways in middle school and they were extremely crowded. It was lunchtime and when I was getting into line, I had to squeeze between a group of obnoxious girls that were blocking the way and I accidentally touched one of the girl's butt in the process. The girl instantly whipped around with a shocked expression on her face and said "Somebody just touched my ass."
I was too embarrassed to say anything and I just smiled awkwardly, but I guess that gave an even worse impression and they assumed I had done it on purpose. That group of girls just happened to be in my World History class and when they saw me in class they began whispering among themselves and laughing. The next day at school, everyone who knew me looked at me weirdly and some people would instantly start whispering among themselves once they saw me.
When I got to World History class that day, my teacher asked me to answer a question. I did, and I soon as I finished, I noticed my "friend" who sat in front of me, Angeline, turning to this guy next to her and saying something to him. He looked back at me with a weird expression and asked me "You like girls?"
I was too appalled to even answer, so I just shook my head in disgust and focused on my work. That same day, when I went into the locker room to change for PE, all the girls ran out of my way as I walked in and changed elsewhere. I ignored everyone, already too pissed to even think about it, and then this girl, Michelle Aung, I'll never forget her name, it's stuck in my head practically... comes up to me and nonchalantly asks me if I'm a lesbian. God how I wanted to wipe that little smirk off her face...
I simply told her to f-off and got back to changing but she stayed there, staring me down. It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world... then she says "I guess you can't be a lesbian, seeing as how you're pregnant..."
I wasn't pregnant at all and never have been, but I was a hefty girl back then and I realized that she was talking about my large stomach... I got fed up and said "Then you much be the lesbian if you're actually taking the sweet time to check me out". That one got her quiet.
My day, well, week from hell didn't end there... The next day, I was in Science and I sat next to my best friend in that class. My teacher was giving a very boring lesson and my friend playfully poked me. I poked her back and so on until my teacher asked us what we were doing. This little jerk that sat behind us felt the need to humiliate me even more than I already had been and said "Eww they're lesbians" and the whole class went into an uproar of laughter.
Everything became quiet as I stood up from my chair and looked the kid straight in the eye as I said "No I'm not a lesbian, but that'd be a much better choice than to ever consider f***ing someone as ugly as you."
That remark not only got him quiet, but the whole class as well. No one ever said s*** to me after that. Moral of the story: Just because I'm a quiet person doesn't mean I don't have a sharp tongue. When something needs to be said, it WILL be said.