How much do you daydream?


Well-known member
I daydream almost all the time (as in, at home, in the car, at work, while shopping...). Sometimes, it is just me imagining the happenings of the day (preparing for conversations, thinking about what I want to do later, etc), but other times, it is straight-up fantasy.
A lot of my daydreams are set in the past, but some in the future. In almost every daydream, I am better than I am in real life (mostly by being more attractive, well-adjusted, and more confident). In fact, I fantasize about being this amazing person who helps people with their own problems and whom everyone loves...
So, basically, my daydream image of myself is kind of a goal of who I really want to be. Now if I could just become that in real life (though I realize that most of my fantasies will not actually come true--I can't travel back to high school and change things, nor can I orchestrate a perfect coming together of people at random in a public place to demonstrate my awesomeness).


Well-known member
Oh, all the time! I live in a fantasy world. Sometimes they're romantic and sexy fantasies. Sometimes I'm dreaming up conversations. Sometimes they're even sad and tragic. There's always just random scenarios playing in the back of my mind, even when I'm doing other things. I love just getting lost in a daydream. But then sometimes I feel like my head is a mess and I wonder why some of this shit goes through my mind.:thinking:


Well-known member
I've been daydreaming a lot lately. Especially when I'm listening to music I like. My mind goes deep into thought. About things I enjoy and what my life could be like. I prefer it to my reality.


Well-known member
I seem to day dream a lot as well. I think it's kind of getting to the point where I basically lose sense of reality and I'm just stuck in this little bubble of though except I'm still aware of my surroundings. It happens a lot.


Well-known member
I day dream all of the time, in fact I got in a lot of trouble in school for it. I fantasize a lot, sometimes not in this world and others with current events. Sometimes it's bad day dreaming which causes panic attacks or there is day dreaming where it brings peace to my mind. Recently I day dream about living with my girlfriend and her son, being able to kiss both of them good night every night. They bring peace to my mind, before I met them most of my day dreaming was of terrible things.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Day dreaming is said to be therapeutic. It's supposed to give the brain a moment to relax and take time out.

I day dream fairly often.