how many of you have low selfsteem??

I don't think you can have high self esteem and be afraid of being social at the same time. I think SP is an effect of low self esteem.


Active member
O! I do! I do! Sometimes when somebody says something nice to me or acknowledges me in a meaningful way I have trouble believing the person is actually talking to me because it seems like they shouldn't be.


Well-known member
I constantly believe i will fail at everything so instead of acting productively i'll sit there and do nothing, especially with job hunting i read through the ads and even though i may have a chance ive had so many rejections because they needed people with 2 or 3 years proper experiance that its just shattered my confidence in every way especially now that im stuck in the middle of a lease in a rental property and im relying on welfare... pressure to find well paid work

i was bullied fairly intensley back in high school, we are talking everyday for years, that has an effect on your self esteem, you feel like nothing but i tried to shrug it off as nothing at the time

and then the rest of my family young and old, cousins, siblings, uncles have blooming careers and travel and are going out all the time like its nothing at all, effortlessly living a great life ...

this is the worst period of existance ive ever lived through ...

apparently im an embarrassment compared to all the other young people in the family circle and friends of family so my parents simply wont mention me in a positive light to other people, that in a way is sort of the problem, all these expectations to live up to as an adult is massive pressure ..

yeh im at university but thats about all that i can say is a positive outlook for me right now and its taking me too long to finish these major projects before the year end, more pressure

visiting my parents and family always on my back about hurrying up and finding a girlfriend to have kids and marry, i can't imagine myself at a wedding ceremony it just seems like the sort of thing really self assured and confident people take part in ..more pressure

im trying to make friends but its not happening yet ..pressure to relax and think freely

its just being an adult that im struggling with and is bringing me down, you have to semi-prosper or really prosper in society and the system or you can become depressed by it quite easily


New member
I have very low self esteem, I grew up with 2 cousins who were absolutely gorgeous and beautiful in every way. I always fell short of them, they always excelled me, always won. As I grew up, I sank lower and stopped bothering to compete with them. I am now accepting the fact that they'll always be better than me in every way. It's just easier that way. They are treated better and loved more. And it hurts to spend time with them sometimes, but if I accept that I'm inferior it's more natural and I am able to forgive myself and love them more. So..that's what I do.


Day_Tripper said:
I don't think you can have high self esteem and be afraid of being social at the same time. I think SP is an effect of low self esteem.

I completely agree with that, as I was trying to understand this SP that is affecting my life, I am trying to find answer, and solutions. And it seems that my low self esteem makes me SPhobic...


Well-known member
I have low self-esteem, too.
And I think it is a major factor in deepening SAD. People with low self-esteem don't believe in themselves, don't believe they can handle situations and are not secure enough with themselves, hence anxious.
Day_Tripper said:
I don't think you can have high self esteem and be afraid of being social at the same time. I think SP is an effect of low self esteem.

I disagree. Self-esteem is how much you like yourself. I like me, I just don't expect many other people to like me.

For some people, social phobia is a rational decision. You've suffered at the hands of others, or you think you're horrible and don't want to make others suffer you. Not so for people like me -- it's an almost entirely unjustified, irrational terror. I just cringe when a person talks to me the same way I cringe when a dog barks at me.

The esteem in which I hold my social skills is properly low, so I expect to mess up... and I know I'm unusual enough that the majority of people don't like me... but that doesn't mean I have low self-esteem.

Also, social phobia has been with me since birth and it's hard to get low self-esteem that young unless you have a problematic family (which I didn't). So, if I do develop low self-esteem, it'll be an effect of social phobia rather than a cause.