how long have you been in bed for


this could be down to multiple reasons.

for me, 3 months bedbound cause of severe vertigo

and also

when im depressed, i go to bed for days cause i dont have any reason to get up and i just want to fkn die

ps. im not talking about sexual stuff::p:


Well-known member
he he id probably be the same if i didnt have to get up for work in the morning ;)


Well-known member
The longest I've gone without ever leaving the bed was probably a day and a half because of illness. I also spent much time in bed for some weeks at age 7 because of a burn injury. Couldn't leave the bed without a wheelchair for three weeks.


Well-known member
A few days at the most, on multiple different occasions. Either from being sick or depressed.
FOR REAL said:
wow, i just looked that up! John Travoltas son died of that, i had never heard of that before
im glad you got through it

Thanks! It did cause me a mild heart aneurysm or something like that, but with time I was completely cured.
probli most is 4 days straight (low severe depression and genaral unwillingness to proceed in life.

Althouh im going to bed soon i would much rather not get up for a year .



Well-known member
I wasn't necessarily in bed 24/7, but for about 4 months I was so sick from the pregnancy I couldn't leave my house.


Well-known member
Medically speaking, it isn't good to sit or lay down for too long... You need to keep the blood moving otherwise you could get a thrombus, or embolus... that could get stuck in the lungs or heart or even brain and any one of those could cause death.... Pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction (heart attack), cerebral vascular accident (stroke)...


Super Moderator
Medically speaking, it isn't good to sit or lay down for too long... You need to keep the blood moving otherwise you could get a thrombus, or embolus... that could get stuck in the lungs or heart or even brain and any one of those could cause death.... Pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction (heart attack), cerebral vascular accident (stroke)...

I am screwed then D: