Ok, I feel the need to post something here, this is a subject that screams for me to say something, Someone who has SA, and thinks sex is pointless, or not that important, or wants to remain a virgin to marriage is in denial. (Although at least the marriage excuse some people may find admirable, not me though its deeply rooted within false ideals of non virgins being unpure from old times).
Anyway asking someone with social anxiety if sex is important to them is like, asking people from a poor isolated country that have never tasted Soda if they like soda, they just cant comprehend what your talking about, sex is probably the most meaningful connection two people can make together, dont get me wrong if your not in a relationship it can mean nothing, but it is the best feeling in the world when you love the person, otherwise it just feels really good (which by itself makes it worth it)
To all the people who think they don't need sex or its not important, if you had the means to have it right now (with someone you find attractive) 98% would change your mind trust me. To truly love someone, i mean truly love, not family love ect, there's two kinds. You have to sync body and soul, not just one or the other . And sex is needed to sync your bodies. If you never had it before it would boost your confidence a lot, knowing you can completely let your defenses down to someone and give in to yourself, so basically saying sex doesn't matter to you is just an excuse, at least saying your waiting until marriage is somewhat believable excuse, either way its a excuse or a narrow minded belief at best.
Now I'm not trying to insult anyone, and i will admit i find people who say sex is pointless very amusing, but I, unlike some have the right to laugh at them, because i know what they feel like, I'm not laughing at them, I'm laughing at myself because i too have social anxiety, BAD very bad, and i can imagine myself being 29 ect 30, and a virgin (im 19), but unlike some, i have a strong sense of my surroundings, of what I to need to be healthy, i am a fighter the worse my anxiety gets the harder i fight.
Now dont get me wrong the proper way to fight anxiety is to embrace it, and control it not fight against it, thats not what im saying. What I saying is just your not able to get close enough to someone to have sex does not make it something you dont need, its probably exactly what you need most, a close loving relationship and sex. (Sex with someone you love or at the very least like alot would cheer amost anyone up.)
That being said, sex is a very basic human need, one that cannot be ignored without severe consequences. And comparing masturbation to sex is like comparing chess to solitaire, its way more fun to play with others. Also, stop feeling so damn sorry yourselfs if you are a 25/30 ect year old virgin, NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO HELP YOU so just pretend for a minute nothing matters and try to harness that feeling keep it inside you and become a new person, If you know what that feeling is, that im talking about your halfway to becoming a new person.
You will never have sex with someone, (with paying them or worse....) unless you free yourself so others can love you, your the only one preventing yourself from having a lover, I guarantee there has been at least one person who you have met who if you acted differently you could have had a relationship with, and there will be other opportunities in the future, question is will you ignore them?