How has the recession affected you?

My mom lost her job March 08 and my dad lost his October 08. They've both been unable to find jobs since. I've even had to give them some of my scholarship money so they could make the mortgage. Crappy times we're living in:)


It hasn't really effected me or my family much because they don't work... I fear that i won't be able to find a job to pay my loans. Everything is on me!


Well-known member
It hasn't affected my family too much, because my parents are both still working. As for me, though, there was a brief period where the government tried to get rid of a large portion of the MAP grants for all IL students receiving them. After protesting, lobbying, and writing letters to the legislators and the Governor's Office, the governor borrowed over $2 million to help supply the funds for this upcoming spring semester.

So it almost affected me in a way, but I got lucky.


Well-known member
not too badly,dad got lucky with his job so wre ok for now,but dfinetly less spending then before.Although my friends havivng a really rough time
I graduated from grad school in May, and I still haven't been able to find a job within my career field. There just aren't many entry-level positions out there. So right now I'm working about 60 hours a week between two crap jobs just to try to keep my head above water. I've thought about just giving up, declaring bankruptcy, breaking the lease on my apartment and moving in with my mom- which would be hard too, because her house is pretty crowded- and I would end up living pretty far from where my kids currently go to school. ::(:


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I was laid off back in April 2009 after holding that same job for over 16 years! Which is probably the best thing that could have happened to me...since I hated working there. It was no longer a challenge and now since there isn't any jobs for electronic techs, I am forced to switch careers. I am going to become a RN.


So far, the recession has helped me feel less poor making the same amount of money as when the economy was booming. Suddenly not having any money is trendy and I fit in. It does heighten the sense of danger I feel in a bad month as my savings near zero though, knowing there aren't any jobs to fall back on if my business dies.
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After reading this thread I've realized that I have been unemployed for about a year now. I had been working under the table from time to time with my brother, but that has dried up these past few months. My unemployment benefits are about to expire and I have no idea what to do.