how do you get diagnosed with bipolar


my mood changes all the time, one minute im laughing hysterically and the next minute im crying my eyes out

these symptoms would suggest that i have bipolar (manic depression)

so if anyone on here has this illness, how did you get diagnosed?

its not a subject that most people would like to talk about, so dont feel under any pressure to answer :)


Well-known member
My cousin is diagnosed with it, they say it stems his ADHD. You must merely go to the doctors and tell him why you think this, they'll run tests on you to be sure and more than likely prescribe you something if your mood swings are out of control or give you something for depression.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well, I can speak based on psychological terms here. In order to be diagnosed, there is a list of symptoms that need be observed in occurrence for a certain amount of time. Simple mood swings will not mean that you have bi-polar disorder.


Well-known member
Going to a doctor is the only way to get diagnosed. Talk to your doctor about it. They should be able to run any tests necessary and go from there.


Bipolar on average takes 9 years to diagnose. Only a doctor(mainly psychiatrists/psychologists) can diagnose it. Most likely you do not have it as mood changes in bipolar takes at least days with mania or depression lasting for days or even years and does not change in minutes.


Well-known member
You have to get a diagnosis from a psychiatrist. A psychologist may be able to diagnose someone. I was diagnosed with it 2 1/2 years ago. First, my therapist asked me some questions, then she gave me a short list where I had to check whatever applied to me. Then she referred me to the psychiatrist saying she thought I was bipolar. In his office, he made me fill out about three pages full of questions. Then, because of the answers I chose, he diagnosed me as having bipolar.