How do you feel when you wake up?


@dronee have you tried that self hypnosis stuff, u can get it on utube aswell:)

Hey... thanks for reminding me! Tried to rep you I think.. but couldn't... may have repped you earlier.

Actually, I find Bob's Ross videos very soothing. But I don't have money to buy all his videos... I can't even find them to buy them in the first place! At least not affordably.


Well-known member
Hey... thanks for reminding me! Tried to rep you I think.. but couldn't... may have repped you earlier.

Actually, I find Bob's Ross videos very soothing. But I don't have money to buy all his videos... I can't even find them to buy them in the first place! At least not affordably.

You can find them on youku, todou, dailymotion I think.

I also watch massage videos to make me sleepy.
I feel sad, sick, worried and confused haha and sometimes very disappointed when I realise that dreams are so much better than reality. I usually try to get back to sleep .. if i'm off school that is.


Well-known member
On weekdays, I just can't muster the strength to get out of bed in the mornings, I lie there some half hour or more before I can drag myself up.


Well-known member
I hate waking up. When I'm asleep is the only time I don't feel pain (mental and physical).

Physically I wake up about 5:30 am but mentally I don't kick in until 9 am or so. Don't ask me to think, carry on a conversation, ect. I guess you can say I'm mentally confused.

Actually I slide in and out of derealization/depersonalization all day....I guess that's why I'm so confused!



Well-known member
It depends. About every other night, I have pretty morbid dreams. Or at least depressing ones. If I wake up and remember those dreams vividly, I either wake up incredibly upset, or really panicky. But if I've had a pleasant or boring dream, I still usually wake up with dread. I know exactly how my day is going to go, so I often times feel like there's no reason to even wake up, except for the simple fact that I'm too much of a p*ssy to off myself.

"Every day is exactly the same."

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
It depends. About every other night, I have pretty morbid dreams. Or at least depressing ones. If I wake up and remember those dreams vividly, I either wake up incredibly upset, or really panicky. But if I've had a pleasant or boring dream, I still usually wake up with dread. I know exactly how my day is going to go, so I often times feel like there's no reason to even wake up, except for the simple fact that I'm too much of a p*ssy to off myself.

"Every day is exactly the same."

Hey, there's no need for that talk. I've spoken to you for long enough to know you're one cool gal. Hit me up on msn if you wanna/needa chat. The last dream I can remember was that rather disturbing dream that I posted on my myspace. But that was so twisted I just couldn't stop laughing
It's 48 hours now since I slept. Haha... wake up? What's that? Chronic insomnia for the win!!!
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Well-known member
I noticed that my SA is much weaker right after waking up. It's especially noticeable if a phone wakes me up and I immediately answer it; I'm able to carry out a decent conversation even with people I don't know (usually when I talk there's always the voice in my head saying something like "you're about to say something stupid"). The effect, however, wears off in 1-2 minutes.

How do you feel after waking up?

i too experience that. I guess it's like alcohol, when you wake up your brain activity is low, you can only perform basic tasks, so there's no 'room' for SA...
usually bad, cuz I know I have the whole day ahead of me..and i can totally relate to the being normal for just a minute!


Well-known member
(This is not porn but there is side boob, beware.)

I watch this...and my eyes get heavy and droopy and I feel relaxed and before I nod off I rush to bed so as not to lose the state of mind/body.

I find I sleep better and wake up a little less miserable.

YouTube - How to Give a Back Massage


Well-known member
Hey, there's no need for that talk. I've spoken to you for long enough to know you're one cool gal. Hit me up on msn if you wanna/needa chat. The last dream I can remember was that rather disturbing dream that I posted on my myspace. But that was so twisted I just couldn't stop laughing

Hey. I'm sorry I haven't been online to chat much lately. I haven't really spent enough time online at once to get on the messenger. I appreciate you responding to my post on here, though. I also hope you're doing well. I'll try to remember to sign on the messenger soon.

And yeah, that dream of yours was pretty crazy, lol.