how do you feel today?

I have to face my art professor 'cause I missed his class on the day of critiques due to my fear of presenting my work in front of all those students. Thus my grade will suffer tremendously. I wish I could die in my sleep...sigh.

Does that ever bring back memories...

Today I am nervous nervous nervous. Going to see the doctor in a bit to ask pretty please for some meds. I've never done anything like this before. At best it could be a turning point, but I've been wrong plenty before.

Also, I can't figure out whether it's ironic that I'm nervous to see a doctor specializing in anxiety or not. I also can't figure out whether it's ironic to ask for anti-anxiety medicine on April 20, the day you're supposed to get baked and chill. This is killing me.


Well-known member
pretty crappy, i've only just got out of bed because it's my day off.
I could have done something constructive or gone to visit a friend but instead i wasted the whole day by staying in bed.
I feel empty and useless.


Well-known member
I'm not doing that great today. The SA is really acting up at the moment. I have cramps and keep looking over my shoulder as people pass me at work. I'm also nervously waiting for some emails.


Well-known member
ertojgeprtjbpwjybp/.\,hgggggggggg........................erhg I feel shit today.....I don't know why.....I've been getting low again lately, I've been's weird but I've been REALLY NOT looking forward to summer this year?!!!'s so weird.....the sun keeps filling me with dread?! what's that about? I can't wait for winter this year......bananas!

anywayz, the only thing I can think of thats getting me down is the fact that I'm gonna have to get my first full time job in just over a month.....I've done various temp and part time jobs in the past, but never a 9-5, 5 day a week thing......and I'm just HOPING I can just find a job with NICE PEOPLE!!!! :).....that really is all I want.......a job with NICE PEOPLE!....I don't care what the job is....preferably something relatively easy.......but I'm dreading ending up in a job with mean, horrible people, working in dark dank places for hours on end, and then going home to a flat by myself and feeling that emptiness and meaninglessness......ergh.....that's my worst fear atm......I don't wanna go off the rails and end up alone.....I think I need to keep people in my life....even though I hate being around people sometimes.....I've just gotta stay I gotta get my art rolling again....cause that will give me purpose and sometimes to live for.

ok vent over!


Well-known member
i got up a couple hours ago, had a good breakfast, but i have to go out soon and bc of my sa and aspergers thats always rough, but im not feelin too shabby

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
Puzzled and confused as hell.

I just cannot understand people, especially those who pretend they want to be friends just to completely ignore me when I gather all my courage and actually speak to them. Why add me on MSN on the first place? puzzled as I am, I actually know what to do: block/delete that person and be as polite as possible, but never going beyond the usual "hi" "see ya" and other common courtesy stuff [this is someone I have to see every day in real life]. Still, I feel puzzled because I don´t know why she hates me that much...I didn´t do anything to...

You know? people like that can go to hell and back. I have enough problems and worries as things are right now.

See you around :)

PS~ Welcome MMGiru :)!!


Active member
XP Feels like my whole body just sighed.

-.- Admittedly, it could be related to not having any oil for showers today.