How do you bring in the new year?


Well-known member
I would think that's fairly common among our kind. That's how we try to include something in our life which we don't experience otherwise.

As for new year's eve, I will probably sitting at home, trying not to contemplate about how another year has passed in my pathetic life without much improvement, or anything memorable.


Well-known member
New Years was never a spectacular moment for me, especially since I've been friendless for many years. When I think of New Years I'm reminded of the scene in Forest Gump where Lt. Dan is just sitting there in the middle of a big party - emotionless. Well maybe that's a little too overdramatic but you get the picture.

As for new year's eve, I will probably sitting at home, trying not to contemplate about how another year has passed in my pathetic life without much improvement, or anything memorable.

Same here. Did I forget how to live or did I have any life to begin with?


Well-known member
i'll tell u a story. On new years eve 08 waiting for 09 i was in poland with my friend who lives there. She had invited me and it was the first time in my life i had gone out on ny. Anyway i got so anxious in the crowd i could not enjoy myself and i basically f'd up her night. I felt a bore for not being fun. She invited me to celebrate last ny but i made excuses and she got annoyed saying ''i invited u cos i wanted to c u and ive got no plans''. Fing sa!


Well-known member
Last couple of years was a waste. i remember myself sitting in chair ad that's about it. I'm forcing myself not remember previous NY's. This years eve? I'm not sure either, lost contact with people here. Maybe travel to somewhere unknown try to blend in with strangers pretend to be I'm part of them but I'm actually not..
On my computer, listening to all the happy people and fireworks at the gathering place not far from my house.
I would need someone to go with to some celebration situation. Having no friends really sucks :/


Well-known member
I just got a invitation to spend a all day with a group of friends, I alwaysbecome to much introvert or depressed as much time I spent within a group and that don't take a lot of minutes:p....most normally i'll be emotional sucked out after that! my brain is already in thinking run mode "get out, get out of this!"


New member
Well, since i'm all alone, I tend to go to bed before midnight so i'm not reminded of what a loser i am. This year i work New Years Day so i need to hit the sack before 12


Well-known member
I usually watch the ball drop at NYC on tv, but last year I missed it. This year, I will try to not to miss the program. Sometimes I also watch the New Year's celebration in Hollywood.

I'll probably do that too this year. Although being in Ireland, it won't be until the morning :D


Well-known member
I'm not sure of my plans this year. I think I've got time off over New Year's, so we'll see. I do NOT want to go to Sydney; did that once and won't do it again.

Apart from New Zealand, we'll be one of the first countries to bring in the new year, so on January 1 there's going to be lots of stories on TV of the rest of the world's celebrations. No doubt it'll show New York and the ball dropping.