How do I stop oversleeping?

I wish I had an answer for you

for the past month I've been sleeping all day and up all night.

I feel like Batman


I have real trouble with this. I slept for 16 hours today. I also feel deeply ashamed and embarrassed. Im not sure If I can really help you, because I have the same problem. I have read online that it may be related to depression, although I am not taking any drugs at the moment.

I dont have a job at the moment, and dont really do much with myself lately so maybe thats part of the problem..?

Sorry not much help, but your not alone :)


Well-known member
Hey guys i had chronic insomnia for months , the answer to this is you need to force yourself out of bed earlier , set multiple alarms , put them on snooze for every 10 mins , get someone to wake you up , its hard at first but can be done , go to sleep without pulling the blinds and let the sun wake you up .


Well-known member
...I don't think it should ruin your day though. I mean we all oversleep from time to time. The important part is how you use the rest of your day. :D

good advice! :)

if it were me I'd probably try to figure out the root cause of my oversleeping. You mentioned antidepressants, so I'd imagine it's linked with that. Have you tried googling "oversleeping"? It looks like there's a lot of possible causes. There are medical conditions such as hypersomnia and sleep apnea that could be the problem....or sometimes if you have a lot of stress or unresolved issues in your life that can also cause you to oversleep....or it could be related to medication or certain foods and drinks you may have's worth having a look.

Oversleeping Side Effects: Is Too Much Sleep Harmful?

Stop*Oversleeping in 5 Simple Steps | A-Sleep


Well-known member
my problem is discipline... i have zero discipline =/ it's really difficult for me to start doing something i kind of don't want to do but still want to do... like exercising... blahhh


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Sometimes i have a lot of trouble getting out of bed. ... It ruins my day and makes me feel so pathetic and ashamed, I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't seem to have much willpower at all....if I have an appointment or something like that I can always get up in time.....

I'm very much the same way. If I don't have to get up for some reason, I'd just as soon lie in bed.

Even when I have work or an appointment or something, I'll put off getting up until the last possible minute, no matter what I've tried to tell myself to do.

It's an avoidance tactic obviously - just one more way to not have to deal with things.

Something to work on as part of an overall path to happiness.


Well-known member
It's gonna hurt reading: When you are awake just enough to realize it, get out of bed ! Slap yourself in the face, go jumping around. It'll work.:)


Well-known member
I have almost always had a problem with oversleeping. I think I use it as a coping tactic. It either numbs my brain(in conjunction with staying up late) or I'm in such a rush when do finally get up that I don't have time to think bad thoughts. I've nearly been fired several times because of it, and missed almost all my classes during my final year of college. I am still not great with it, but I'm not nearly as bad, and my working hours are quite flexible now so it works out ok. I have little advice to fix it, but I have learned not to beat myself up too much for it. If I become ashamed of it, it only gets worse. Everyone has their weaknesses, this just happens to be one of mine. I do know that there was a time in my life when I was happy, and during that time I was up with the birds, and it was easy and quite enjoyable and rewarding. Other times its been impossible. I tried to hold on to the happiness, but it has alluded me, or I should say "she" has alluded me. Because the whole reason I got up in the first place was to see a pretty girl, and it made me happy. And try as not, I do not seem to be able to attain that happiness on my own, yet another weakness. I do better with happiness and coping now, but it’s a slow painful chore, even on a good day. Sometimes I resort to dreaming the happiness. What a fellow wouldn’t do to get another next time. And then out of the blue I got one, at the red bridge variety show. And oh the happiness, and now I just want even more. And now I’m talking like a madman. So there you go, maybe best you make your own advice…


Well-known member
i went for months like that, just sleeping about 12- 15 hours a day, spending almost all my time in room when i was awake. what helped me was to like exposure said, set an alarm everyday and even if you don't wake up at that time, or you turn it off, keep setting it everyday. like i started trying to just wake up before noon, somedays i would be like screw it, and sleep past 4pm, and others i could wake up around 1 pm, and i was slowly able to start waking up earlier and earlier. and i tried to do something positive each day, like maybe a chore around the house or look online at jobs, or read part of a self-help book. because some, well a lot, of those days i would do nothing productive at all, and it helped me atleast being able to say to myself, well at least today i put away the dishes, thats more than i've been able to do on some days.
and sometimes you have to give yourself a break, and if you did have to do something stressful the day previous (like interacting with people), sometimes you may want to just sit the next couple hours out. but you have to give yourself a timeline, and not give yourself permission to sit the next week out because you had stress.
sometimes just getting yourself in a sitting upright position, or getting your feet to touch the floor, and staying in that posture until you feel more awake can help.
i think it starts with goals, and accepting that small steps are ok- and it's a process- and it took me months to get out of, but i just tried to keep in mind that facing forward is where i want to be.
lol i like your advice ignace!
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I've been on vacation and I can't help but sleep 10 hours. I can get up to 12 hours but by then I start to feel sick laying there. My body/eyes/brain gets achey or something.


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When I need to wake up at a certain time, I just drink a lot of water. Along with other methods, it really helps to get me out of bed.

Of course I sleep on my stomach, so the extra pressure really makes me want to get up.



Well-known member
I've heard tell of a neat gizmo they make - kinda like a clock, but with a bell attached. You can set it for a certain time, and then the bell goes off. Cool idea, huh?

The things you can find at Wal-Mart!!
calculate 8 hours of your sleep time, then set an alarm, and make yourslef go for a bike ride, or a walk.. anything..just have a plan, cuz when u dont have one it rly sucks..
i other go walking, jogging, or i exercise at home..u might get tired later, then u can take a nap, but u will avoid the horrible feeling of oversleeping.. :)


Well-known member
Or just marry a shrill, nagging woman who won't let you sleep a minute longer than she thinks you should.

Seriously, it works!

Just decide which is worse, the co-dependency issues or wasting your life in bed?


Well-known member
I have the same issues as well. I can oversleep for even 24 hours a day. I don't know what is wrong with me, guess it's because I have nothing much to do all day. Sometimes I would go online for one or two hours and then go back to bed again. I know I'm awake but I just can't put myself together to get up when I know there's nothing to do. I feel pathetic living like this. How should I end this kind of life routine?
They really ought to find a more sophisticated way of waking people up. It's the 21st century after all. Like one that is guaranteed to get you out of your sleep state, but does so gradually, and without obnoxiously loud sounds. When you think about it, an alarm is really just an electric version of the ancient rooster. :rolleyes:

I wonder if a wrist, or leg band that applies a low voltage shock at the time of wanted awakening could do the trick. Oh, but I digress from you topic. Was just thinking out loud for a second. I'm sorry.. ^W^;;