how do I make friends?


Well-known member
Well I just moved to barrie from vaughan so I had to change schools and stuff in my new school no one takes to me and a girl named shelly just hates me for example she tells everyone that I know I'm better then everyone esle in my class so the people in my class don't even talk to me once she put a razor blade in my bag then tould the teacher that I tried to attack her and i got suspended for 2 weeks my parents got mad and stuff so how do i make friends and stop shelly?


Well-known member
all u can really do is be nice to everyone. If they're decent ppl, they will find out who u are for themselves--not because of what someone else says. Good luck!


Well I think you need to sort that out as soon as possible, this girl has obviously singled you out and is bullying you (framing you by planting a weapon in your bag and claiming you attacked her is bullying)

I think stopping that behavior is a priority first, because if that keeps going on, then it is going to hinder your ability to make friends. Is there someone you can trust that can help you in the real world? A person who will believe your side of the story? If you can get people on your side who will support you, you will have more power to stop the girl before she does more damage.


Well-known member
Wow, that's sad. Unfortunately I don't really know how to make friends. If I did, I probably wouldn't be here. But people who are that mean to you aren't worth being friends with. The real sad part is how much people will believe liars. The most you can do is stay away from them and hope they get bored with it. Hopefully you'll meet other people who are actually worth hanging around with.
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Well-known member
I did try to stand up for my self her and two other girls pined me down and cut off pieces of my hair and with marker wrote slut on my forehead. But thanks for suggestions


Well-known member
let me help you;

1. Become interested in other people
3.When you meet someone don't forget his/her name.
4.Be a good listener.
5.Encourage others to talk about themselves.
6.Talk in terms of the other person's interest.
7.Talk about yourself.(who you are; the real you)
8.Make the other person feel important, and do it sincerely.


Well-known member
How to stop shelly? the answer is ignore her, she is a ghost to you. And If she is not important to you, then It doesn't have to affect you because she is not important to you and you don't care about her.


Well-known member
Hey Joyce, if you look anything like your avatar, you are pretty, and the girls may be jealous of you!!

I remember every time someone new came to school they became center of attention and some boys/girls fell in love with them etc.
It is quite possible that Shelly is now afraid to not be the 'top star' in the class/at school!! Maybe she's even afraid her boyfriend or the guy she likes might like you!! (Maybe that's even true!!) Soo... she does everything she can to prevent it from happening-??

Look around what clothes other girls wear. Are your clothes better looking or sexier and more revealing? That may provoke them a bit..
I don't suggest to change your style to adapt to other people just because of some mean girls, but if you're young it's better to not wear too sexy/revealing dresses/clothes anyway... You might want to let your personality shine through, not everyone to be just distracted by your clothing or any skin/cleavage.. (This is just hypothetical, no idea what you wear, I observed some girls in high schools do wear very revealing clothes, which do seem inappropriate for their age..)
People may get weird ideas about girls just because they want to be fashionable!! (And guys, or old men - or other girls - might get the impression she's 'easy'... even if it's totally not true!!)
Soo.. if they wear sweaters and don't show bellybuttons, it may be better you do sorta similar..
If you make your own clothes/bags/etc - maybe they're jealous you have 'boutique'/expensive-looking stuff? (If someone admires it and you like making it, you could even offer to make one for them, if they're nice to you etc.)

Join a club or special interest group. Ideally something that really interests you, and with some cool and some not-too-cool people, or at least people who are nice and friendly.. Is there an artsy/crafty or eco club at your school? If not, could one be started?

How did you find people at the old school/s?

Not-too-cool people can be easier to talk with, they may be happy to find a friend, though if you're goodlooking they may be intimidated and want you to start conversations first, smile at them, say hello...
I was surprised that a classmate was sorta insulted when I didn't say hi to her specifically, I said hi to people around her...

Look for people you like and feel drawn to, find a reason to talk to them - eg 'Wow, I like your ___(hair/dress/bracelet/bag/gizmo)____, where did you get it?' Ideally only genuine praise for things you *really* like!!
Or even if they wrote an essay/poem or what they said in discussion in class, say something, 'Great essay..' or even describe what you liked about it..

Find some trusted adults too - maybe the librarian or cooks or other teacher/s of your favorite subjects, or where you're good at, maybe even a janitor (if friendly looking and married father, respectful/respected..) Ideally older women though, probably... So they can't accuse you of 'seducing men' etc. Or new youthful sassy 'cool' teachers, who can firmly stand their ground with the girls and don't have problems with them in class.. Ideally someone the girls fear a bit...
Volunteer if you can, get teachers' good opinion... (But not too much, you want to walk the fine line of getting along well with teachers and kids, don't be 'teacher's pet' but it can be also good to have two or three teachers at least on your side.. If you have good grades that can be easier..)

I'd also report the girls I guess, have yourself photographed with what they wrote and maybe threaten to sue/pursue action? Are they rich? Could you actually sue them or something, for attack? (Might wanna check the laws with a lawyer??) Can you press record on your cell phone (or small hidden mp3 recorder if they ever attack you again, and record what they say?)

A friend of mine who was a waitress said to a guy who threatened her: 'I hope your father is very rich.' He was confused, 'Why?' 'Because I'll sue you for every penny...'(I don't remember the exact words, but it worked, he backed off..) Even if they're not rich, some laws say they can 'work it off' with their future paychecks that go to damages.. Again, check what it's like where you live, there may be free legal help available too.. or there may be info online..

She also had telephone number of police in her cell-phone, so she could dial it quickly, if needed.. Maybe there's a waitress or bouncer or someone knowledgeable locally who could give you some more tips?
As a waitress, she also acquired a mean frown that scares kids too!! (very helpful!!)

Sometimes it might help if a parent or older relative or acquaintance/friend, someone 'strong and mean' comes to school and yells at the person/s, or even does this by phone, not sure how it is with teenage girls though.. Maybe there's some info online for dealing with girl bullying specifically, google for it..

Otherwise, ignoring can work too, yup... even very well sometimes..
You can pretend to be busy with other stuff etc, walk briskly and quickly, like you're confident and heading somewhere and in a hurry..

Does your school have an anti-bullying or mediation program? Can you go to a counsellor or such? I expect parents or teachers wouldn't think you wrote that on your forehead by yourself??

Anyway, good luck hun!! I hope you find good friends here too!!
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Lord Baltimore

Well-known member
I did try to stand up for my self her and two other girls pined me down and cut off pieces of my hair and with marker wrote slut on my forehead. But thanks for suggestions

Seriously that's when you open a can of whoopass. It's easier said then done but it sounds like they attacked you and you would be totally justified in fighting back


Well-known member
Well, if it gets worse anyways why not get some satisfaction out of it and break some heads ;)


not actually Fiona Apple
if i fight back it will just get worse but thanks for the advice

Yes, that is exactly right. Fighting doesn't solve anything. I'd stay away from her, ignore her, just pretend she doesn't exist. Take the high road, don't get petty if you can. As far as making friends, be willing and friendly. There are bad apples like shelly, but plenty of good ones too. If you don't shut yourself off from everyone else friends will (hopefully) come naturally to you. Good Luck :)


Well-known member
What's petty? Standing up for yourself? Dealing with someone the only way they understand? Some people don't stop. Hopefully, if she does decide to do nothing, this person's not one of those who keeps hounding her.


not actually Fiona Apple
What's petty? Standing up for yourself? Dealing with someone the only way they understand? Some people don't stop. Hopefully, if she does decide to do nothing, this person's not one of those who keeps hounding her.

No, fighting fire with fire just makes more fire. If this girl is relentless she should tell someone, an adult or the police if she needs to, but not fight back. If a girl calls you a slut, and in turn you call her a slut - guess what, she is going to retaliate back, not just lay down and surrender. Obviously I'm not saying not to use self-defense if necessary, but not to retaliate. These things can get out of hand fast.

Here's a story of two girls who fought bitterly with one another, over a boy but the same type of situation, which result in one of them killing the other. It started with insults, escalated to threats, and in the end resulted in confrontation the left one of them dead. I think if either one of them decided to to stop fighting with the other, this could have been prevented. If the other continued to harass them they could have went to an authority figure for help.

Teen Love Triangle: Vicious Voicemails - ABC News

Rachel Wade Guilty of Sarah Ludemann Murder; Teenage Love Triangle Verdict - Crimesider - CBS News

Fighting back does not make people like shelly back off, it just escalates the situation. Nothing good can come from that.
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