My username?
I mean not tedious, or boring, or sick of. Or it's fun, & feels new-ish. It's hard to explain.
In recent years, i've reached 100% boredom a LOT (& apathy, depression,..). I've gradually been getting out of that hole, where i had almost nothing to do (or that i felt like doing, which is apathy). To avoid getting depressed again, i have HAD to try to stay occupied with things, even though i was still very bored. I've created HABITS of doing various things (& those things becoming part of my comfort zone). I'm still getting there with boredom, but presently i'm not doing too bad.
I usually just do the activities off-the-cuff, but when i find i have nothing i WANT to do, i find having a LIST of things to do helps REMIND me that i have PLENTY of things i could be doing, and that right now i could very well WANT to do one or more such activities in the list.
I have 3 lists, starting with the most regular activities & which are most in my comfort zone: (i have edited them for here)
Main list: computer(tetris, solitaire, socialphobiaworld, sort saved pics, online crosswords), walking/steps (have steps-counter on smartwatch; goal=2000 steps/day), chooks (let out, see, shut up), sheep (see), tv(my favorite soap), radio (classical), beer/spirits (fetch/drink), coffee/milo/tea (make/drink), biscuit/s, reheat cuppa (a few times), toilet(#1 & #2), youtube music (usu at night, with alcohol), chocolate/nutella, shower, prepare/take medication, enter item/s into Point Motivator program (is a motivational tool which i've just started using again)
Next list: computer(listen to brain audio, reading (offline/online), tv(news, ...), watch sunset, yoga, pressups/mini-workout, recharge watch/phone, tv(other), programming/scripting, crisps/thins/crackers, ring/txt sby, talk to sby in person, masturbate (usu to porn pics), go abroad (eg to town to do shopping)
Extra list: walk out amongst nature, reading (book/magazine), workout (full), have dinner at sby's home, play PSP/PS2/Pc-[emulator] games, watch [old] movie online, study/learn a foreign language
Of course, you will have your own lists, according to what you want in them, but i think the above lists could be a good place to start.
you can also try doing little clean-ups in the house, add additional jumping jacks to your day, taking a shower and combing your hair, joining sth that doesn't cause you a lot of anxiety, do these things help? I'm trying to find things to do too, good luck!
you can also try to go outside to somewhere you like to go definitely don't take spw out of your life whenever you need it
I do things that relax me and get me out of anxiety and stress-
- laying in bed is a big past time I love and I do these things:
I watch Netflix ( its worth having- if you havent seen THE STRANGER THINGS... you should watch that - oh and The Crown and so many others. Recently I watched Annihilation which was awesome. Also, you can put a VPN on your laptop and end up getting all the other countries Netflix too - which means more to watch and esp new releases if your country has later release dates to the US. (Also, if you have a VPN- you can go to if you show your in Australia and they have an array of completely free viewing of heaps and heaps of films that are all types but good ones).
I draw cartoons/doodles on for fun.
I write my goals as if I completed them in my private journal on my computer. Make myself get all excited about them. Makes me happy to believe in them. I know I ended up doing so when I believe. Im due to do a dream board. Something I only recently stopped doing due to rugs (ex) stuff.
I go on Facebook. I have a few sites though. 1 for my doodles, my normal social one and my favourite private one just for me to express myself with nobody else ( so I don't bombard or embarrass myself into other's feeds). I use it as my own personal blog with things that I like and can look back on.
Youtube is always good. I like to look up health stuff. But also, I like to type in funny weird things and see what comes up. Today though the Doctors program was in the feed and it had some person that had an extended bowel from years of impacted faeces. It was like a pregnant person. OMG lol
I like to read books in bed too. OMG - I have half a double bed devoted to books. Books from the library, my books. BTW, the library is where its at. You can get movies, all sorts from there. Put things on hold online, borrow ebooks even and so on. I have heaps of films I put on hold - new releases. Its a thing Ive done for ages. Saves money.
Not in bed:
Gardening and playing with your animals. When the season is right, I love to garden and make things neat and so on. I also like to clean my chicken's house and make their home better. Its fun.
I take my dog for walks, listening to music on my phone or an audiobook ( I listen to self help stuff). Or with a friend for a good talk or laughs. I have 2 pet sheep too, so I always go and pick some plants for them to eat.
I make juice- that is one of the coolest things you can do for your health. Beetroot juice is esp good for your mind and it can be like a surge of happiness that can even be present the next day. Its been scientifically found too. It also builds your blood - so it gives you energy too.
One thing Ive been addicted to lately is Roller Coaster Tycoon, which is an old dos game thats been re-released on ios. Its like OMG - I used to play that for ages. Everyone who had played that has been waiting for that to be released on ios lol. Its so much fun - esp in a waiting room or what ever.
Music can be such an enforcer to how you feel. And if you can dance or involve yourself to it for even just a song - it can make you feel so much.
chooks = hensWhat does chooks,sheep, and cuppa mean?
chooks = hens
sheep = a type of animal, which eats grass, and has a fluffy woolen coat
cuppa = eg cup of coffee
So you have hens and sheep where you live? Thank you I knew what sheep were but I didn't recognize it in that context.
Yeah. And quite often they are around each other in the paddock. They don't mind each other (but the chooks still quickly walk off if a sheep gets too close, eg tries to sniff it, lol)
Do you own them or are they are wild?
My parents own them. It's on a farm, but the sheep stay just in the paddocks around the house & on roadside, as cows would mess it up too much. They are basically "living lawnmowers".
haha -
I have two old sheep - they are getting old. They are just pets. They are an Australian breed that produces a lot of wool. We got them from a friend off a farm when they were lambs about 10 years ago and they stare at us through the windows of our house and baa for treats like wheatbix etc. lol
Okay - Using a VPN for Netflix is so cool. I have a Macbook but im sure you can do this on Windows too. Basically you just download an app that is a VPN. ALot of them have free countries you can tap into - others you pay a subscription _ a small fee for up to 6 months. I
pay for 'Hotspot shield' which is very good. It allows me to just press the app on my computer to what ever country I want to pretend I am at and be able to access any country-restrictive media from there. That includes Netflix (though to access Netflix you need a subscription). I just go on Netflix after I press my Vpn and I can watch as tho Im from that particular country. It gives me access to the world's Netflix and loads of films rather than just in Australia. As the US and many other countries release films way before we get them. They can be still in the theatres in Australia yet out on Netflix in the US etc.. So I am able to see these movies and so on way before they are released in my own country. Its awesome. : )
Dos is the old windows operating system for Microsoft. Back in the 80s,90s and early 000s.
The cows would mess up the paddocks?
Yeah .. their hooves dig into the ground & with continual walking back & forth they create tracks of mud, leaving the paddock with a great almighty mess of mud, tracks, hoof prints/holes, & skid marks (not their dung, but the marks they leave when they skid down the hill in certain hilly places).
Lower yourself slowly into a pit of cobras and hungry crocodiles.
Yes, I am joking, but I think I'd rather be bored than scared to death.
In general apathy/boredom is better than fear. I have both :thumbdown:
I'm bored in my present life, but fearful of the future (fearful that i'll be even more unhappy & bored).
^I can totally relate to that, Kiwong :sad:I live mostly in fear, 24/7, it doesn't let up to allow me to bored.
My thoughts are like a hurricane that doesn't let up.