It's a bit of a stale answer, but general housework. What I feel from experience is that when I'm lacking motivation, it takes waaay longer to come back when I wait for it. The brain is a mess of chemistry that is directly connected to your body, this is especially true when under the influence of anxiety and depression. Just doing things won't fix those, of course, but they can be temporary or momentary, patched a little.
Other than that, it's important to get things in your life that you enjoy. Rarely will they ever take you all day, though.. But that can be solved by having more than one thing you like. For me personally it's taking care of my cats, making sure my plants are hydrated, sweeping the floor, ect. Then I usually feel I have earned to play a game I like, at least for an hour or two.
Avoiding too much salt and fat also makes a huge difference on your overall mood. Your body and mind react to what it gets, and the effects thereof can't be understated. Again, this won't solve anything directly, but eating better gives you more energy, and can make you feel like you accomplished something purely by eating - and you need to do that anyway, so it's simply a matter of swapping some stuff out.
At any rate, I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I've been there too, and it sucks.. I don't think I would've taken any of the advice I just gave in that state of mind, but I figured I'd hazard a shot.