how close are you to your family


Well-known member
distant ? close , do you see them often .... i fell out with most of my brothers and sisters years ago ... well not all of them , when my father was ill i took care of him for 3 years he had Alzheimer's , none of my family came round to see if he was ok .. so i gave up running my own Business to take care of him ... then when he died they were like a bunch of vultures after his money .... family eh :rolleyes: but how do you get on with yours :)


My family as a whole is really close. We all gather for each person's birthdays and other holidays and we all live nearby. For me though, there's always been this line down the middle (not two different sides of the family, I just randomly have gravitated towards some people and not others). I know half of them really well and talk with them and do things with them individually. Then the other half I've never gotten to know. I don't think I've ever had a one on one conversation with them but they're always there and it feels odd to start now.


Well-known member
I'm really close to my mum, but the rest of my family i really don't care about. My sister is a biatch and tries wverything she can to mess with my head, the other day she told me i would be better off dead and she wishes that when i tried to commit suicide i had yeah i don't like her at all.


Active member
hardly ever see mine. didnt really grow up around mine. resented my mom for keeping me in the house during my teen years due to terrible grades..still resent that part of my life. but now iv grown up a bit.. trying to get closer with my family..cuz its all we got in the end besides the people who have always been there for us
not close at all. The closest family I have is 500 miles away..We speak to each other from time to time through phone, emails and letters but other than that we're not really much a tight family..moreso a group of individuals that communicate with each other once in a blue moon. Family..that's fairytale stuff. My family is my puppy :p


Active member
Used to be very close a few years ago until the SA kicked in and put a massive strain on things, its pretty much texts and Xmas cards now!!


Well-known member
I do what I can to look after my increasingly aging parents, but can't say I was ever close to them or that I even consider them B level parents.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I could care less what happens to them. As soon as possible, I shall keep contact with them to a minimum. My family is filled with parents and fools who would sooner shelter their children in ignorance than give them a better longer term future. They've committed wrongs that I have difficulty forgiving. I would be much better off not speaking to them in the future.
Family Ties

I don't know how actually close I am with my family I am, I think I just am because I live with them. I'm not sure if it will be like that forever. I am just going to leave it at that, my direct family. Same as a lot of people, just see like one side of the family those couple times a year. I don't even want to get started on this other insane weirdo drama madness.


so i gave up running my own Business to take care of him ... then when he died they were like a bunch of vultures after his money

its strange that eh mate, i dont really understand how a loved ones life turns into how much money a person can gain once they have died. my mum and dad have been divorced for a long time, my mum got to keep the house.
she then got a new partner after a really bad time (3 teenagers like me didnt help much ;))
anyway her new partner spent a lot of money on the house, and then they got married, and its all great. so i asked my mum about her will, and told her, everything should go in his name. and shes done that now.
a lot of folks disagree though, saying stuff like yous are her children and that kind of stuff!
the way i see it is, he has made her happier than she has ever been and like i say spent a hell of a lot of money on the house.
so what right would that give me, my sister, wee brother(rip) to take that away from him!


Well-known member
Quite distant. I don't think any of my 5 siblings understand me. Nobody in my family goes out of their way to interact with me. I am the last of the 6 siblings in total still living at home with just mom. I talk to my mom about some problems in my life, but definately not the big ones. I don't have anyone to truly talk to but my own mind. Which drives me insane sometimes. Mom is the closest but so far in many ways... I'm just not good at interacting period. Even those among us who feel judged are out to judge unknowingly and for that I cannot succeed anywhere.


Well-known member
its strange that eh mate, i dont really understand how a loved ones life turns into how much money a person can gain once they have died. my mum and dad have been divorced for a long time, my mum got to keep the house.
she then got a new partner after a really bad time (3 teenagers like me didnt help much ;))
anyway her new partner spent a lot of money on the house, and then they got married, and its all great. so i asked my mum about her will, and told her, everything should go in his name. and shes done that now.
a lot of folks disagree though, saying stuff like yous are her children and that kind of stuff!
the way i see it is, he has made her happier than she has ever been and like i say spent a hell of a lot of money on the house.
so what right would that give me, my sister, wee brother(rip) to take that away from him!

its nice your mother found herself a nice man to settle down with , and yes i agree with you about the house part ...


Well-known member
Quite close with my dad because I don't live with him and he doesn't moan and isn't on to me all the time that I don't go out anywhere and have little social contact with anyone.


I live with my parents, Im close to my mother and not my father(hes an abusive, angry, and unhappy man). Im close to my one grandmother too. Thats about it. Rarely see my brother and his wife nor my cousins, or any other relative.


Well-known member
I'm fairly close with my immediate family my brothers and sister. Other family cousins and such not so much.


Well-known member
I'm somewhat close to my adoptive parents, but my guard is still up around them at the same time.

"I always waste my time just wondering
What the next man thinks of me
I'll never do exactly what I want
And I'll sculpt my life for your acceptance"

I beyond hate my biological father, my worst fear is becoming him even though I've never met him - he wasn't a good guy. Also feel abandoned by my biological mother. Thus, I always fear that someone is going to leave me again or realize who I really am and ask for a 'take back.'

In other words, it's a broken home of a sorts even though I'm relatively close to my adoptive parents - the abandonment by first parents is still there.