How am I supposed to recover when I don't even understand my disease?


Well-known member
For a start Katie you won't die lonely :) secondly if your distancing yourself from others i get what you mean :/. But I like time to myself to think, maybe this is why? If you can't make sense of how you feel do what I do and write a song I find it helps to explain why I feel that way. As for the sleeping that happens to me a lot I'm ethier awake all night or sleeping. Maybe you have a sleeping disorder cause I have insomnia I think it's called.


Well-known member
You have a lovely way of writing, it's really interesting.. Soz, bit off topic..

Hm.. I think it's a good start that you're thinking about the way your mind works but the mind is a very confusing thing. It's actually quite scary to think too deeply into it so maybe try standing back and viewing things logically. Writing lists often really helps me because it helps to organise my thoughts.

Is there anyone you can talk to? A friend who understands or something? It might help to talk about it out loud, maybe talking about it will lead you to a conclusion, you never know.

Tomorrow will be better, because you'll have succeeded in getting there. Keep strong :)


Well-known member
Hey there. You probably already know a lot of this but I find it always helps. I don't think I've ever been as severe as you in your post but I have been through times where I start doubting my mind and losing the plot a bit and this is what helps me:


If you can't sleep at night don't force it. Get out of bed and go and do something productive: Draw, Read, Study... anything to take your mind of things without stimulating your brain too much (I find video games, TV etc can be a bad thing).

Try listening to a talk radio show on whilst you're trying to get you asleep. It will get your mind off things a bit. It helps me sleep!

If you don't sleep well or at all in the night still get up at a normal time and just plough through the day. Don't nap or let yourself drift off. Then go to a bed at a normal time and try and develop a regular sleeping pattern. Say - Bed at 11 up at half 7 every single day.

Do exercise in the day so that your body is physically tired. This will help you want to sleep more.

If you still have problems maybe your doc can prescribe something to help you drift off?

Exercise and Eating Healthy

Exercise is so so so good at helping me feel better and I think it is the same for a lot of people. It releases feel good chemicals and gives you a sense of accomplishment after completing exercise. This will also help with your sleep. It also eases stress and I find relaxes my muscles. After a run I feel much happier and less anxious.

Eating at regular times is so important. Keep the flow regular with small snacks in between. This will keep you going all day and won't leave you feel energyless when you stop eating and get out of sync with things.

Drink lots of water - when I don't drink enough I start getting demotivated and groggy. Also try taking some multivitamins.

Other Stuff

Talk to anyone you can about it. Don't bottle anything up. Let it all out. If I don't have anyone to talk to about stuff - I write it down in a note pad. Better out than in my Mum says!

Keep productive - Do things each day that are mentally stimulating

If you go to work school college or uni just make yourself go. It will give you sense of routine.


You probably already know all this stuff like and I don't want to sound patronising or like ordering in anyway or whatever but I hope it helps :)

But these are things I try and implement all the time but I motivate myself especially hard to do these things when I get into mental rutts! Things start to get much clearer when I do the above and helps me get out of them.


Well-known member
It sounds just like the stuff I used to write when I had a diary. That confusion is all too familiar. How can I even think about being social when my mind is far from being calm and stable - but using all my energy to make people think it is. Like you said, I also end up pushing everyone away. The saddest part for me I think is that once every so often, the confusion lifts for a short time and my brain functions like I think its suppose to I think it works with most people and I start to want to be normal, to be social and then it suddenly breaks again and the uncertainty and confusion sets in. I want to scream... but then I forget what I'm screaming about.


Well-known member
I've been keeping a journal since I was 14. It helps clear my mind, not understand it.

Mmm I get what your saying cause iv felt the same but don't know how to explain it. If you wanna feel better maybe it's best to try and focus your mInd on being creative. It's hard but it helps me understand. But we're all different I guess. I wish I could help more :/, I don't know what else to suggest


Well-known member
I think your anger may be channeled at the fact that life has no meaning. We are born, life sucks (especially for SAD people), then we die. With the billions of people on the planet, all we are doing is taking up space and resources. Anything we do here will have no impact on the world's future as a whole. I believe you are frustrated because you realized that you don't matter. Don't worry, I don't matter either. Most people don't matter. Our lives are meaningless.


Well-known member
I think your anger may be channeled at the fact that life has no meaning. We are born, life sucks (especially for SAD people), then we die. With the billions of people on the planet, all we are doing is taking up space and resources. Anything we do here will have no impact on the world's future as a whole. I believe you are frustrated because you realized that you don't matter. Don't worry, I don't matter either. Most people don't matter. Our lives are meaningless.

Everyone can make a difference if you want to. I agree though life sucks for us.


Well-known member
When I'm confused about myself and I try to think about it I will get even more confused so maybe its just better not to think too hard about it.


Well-known member
Everyone can make a difference if you want to. I agree though life sucks for us.

Yes, you can make a difference in a region. I was talking about things in the entire world's perspective though. The main goal of the world is to preserve life, and people like us have no impact on that as far as the entire world is concerned.