Hi! New to this site


New member
Hi! I'm so glad I found this website, I've been reading through some of the boards...I don't feel so alone anymore- I've had social anxiety disorder pretty much since middle school/high school... im a military brat so i moved around a lot and had friends constantly moving, dont think it helped me any.was just diagnosed last year with SAD. Anybody from the Louisville KY area?


Well-known member
Hi i'm new on here too, and trying to meet people. I'm not from your area but I wanted to welcome you because it felt nice to have people welcome me earlier :)


Well-known member
Welcome, I'm also new. Good to hear that you feel you're not so alone anymore, I hope you'll feel even better with time.


Well-known member
Hello louisvillegirl:D! I hope that you enjoy it here! I don't live in Kentucky, but, if I remember the map right, we should be close to each other:)!