Hi, New Here!


Well-known member
In light of that fact, I've decided to be as open as possible on this forum, using my real name and real image, in the hopes that I can become more comfortable with admitting to my fears and talking openly about it with others.

I admire your courage. :) I'm nervous about giving away details of myself here, for fear of someone I already know finding out about my SA problem. But I did use my real picture... after I put some effects on it first. ::p:

Hello and welcome. :)
Hi :)...I'm new here too and I'm glad I joined because there are others who feel or have felt the way I do. I did the same thing with my photo and info and it scared me because of being judged at first, but I guess confronting one fear at a time is a good thing. Welcome :)
Hi I'm new here also I thought it was really cool a site like this existed. I suffered from all sorts of anxiety mostly social anxiety. I am really glad I can meet people like myself. welcome!