Well-known member
Hi everyone, it's been a while since i posted on this site since i thought i no longer needed it. Anyway here i am and i just want to vent how i am feeling really.
There's a lot of things bothering me and they have been building up inside me for so long;
I will be 30 in April and when i think of being 30 it scares the crap out of me. You expect your 20's to last forever but hitting the 3 0 is kind of scary for me. The feeling i'm getting is that i have missed out on life and the speed the past decade has gone by is scary. The worst thing is that i feel that the next decade is not going to be any different and then i'll be a 40 year old virgin without ever having been loved. I really thought a woman i have known for 3 years would be interested in me as more than a friend, but she says that she does not want a boyfriend. I can't help obsessing that the real reason is that i am ugly, boring, have no prospects etc, basically unappealing to women.
I have no friends and no social life (never have) other than going to a gun club and karate class. My life consists of working, eating, sleeping, working out... but not having fun. Everything is a chore. No fun stuff like going to the cinema, concerts, days out, nights out....Nothing, just an endless tedious life. I'm so sick of hearing people talk about the ''great'' night out/party they went to, and the great friends they have, it's like a huge slap in face.
Thanks for reading
There's a lot of things bothering me and they have been building up inside me for so long;
I will be 30 in April and when i think of being 30 it scares the crap out of me. You expect your 20's to last forever but hitting the 3 0 is kind of scary for me. The feeling i'm getting is that i have missed out on life and the speed the past decade has gone by is scary. The worst thing is that i feel that the next decade is not going to be any different and then i'll be a 40 year old virgin without ever having been loved. I really thought a woman i have known for 3 years would be interested in me as more than a friend, but she says that she does not want a boyfriend. I can't help obsessing that the real reason is that i am ugly, boring, have no prospects etc, basically unappealing to women.
I have no friends and no social life (never have) other than going to a gun club and karate class. My life consists of working, eating, sleeping, working out... but not having fun. Everything is a chore. No fun stuff like going to the cinema, concerts, days out, nights out....Nothing, just an endless tedious life. I'm so sick of hearing people talk about the ''great'' night out/party they went to, and the great friends they have, it's like a huge slap in face.
Thanks for reading